
『翻訳家 山岡朋子ファンクラブ初代会長の日記』 より移行

アフガニスタン情勢: オバマの侵略戦争がもたらしているもの 続報2



  • “Time” exploits victim to promote war
    Green Left, August 15, 2010 (RAWAサイト掲載)

    −−−In return for allowing Time to publish her photo, Aisha was flown to the US for reconstructive surgery. However, although Time ensured her mutilated face was seen worldwide, they appear less keen for her voice to be heard.

    “I heard Aisha's story from her a few weeks before the image of her face was displayed all over the world”, Ann Jones, author of Kabul in Winter, wrote in the August 12 Nation. “She told me that her father-in-law caught up with her after she ran away, and took a knife to her on his own; village elders later approved, but the Taliban didn't figure at all in this account.

    “The Time story, however, attributes Aisha's mutilation to a husband under orders of a Talib commander, thereby transforming a personal story, similar to those of countless women in Afghanistan today, into a portent of things to come for all women if the Taliban return to power.” (以下略)

  • Abuse of women on the rise since start of war, claim critics
    Latest update: 01/08/2010, France24

    Afghan politican Malalai Joya "There is no doubt that the Taliban are misogynist barbarians but the US can be a good match for them for the war crimes that it has committed in these nine years, killing around 8,000 civilians in their military operations. They publish disturbing pictures such as that of Aisha but the heart-wrenching and depressing photos of innocent children, women and men killed in their air strikes gains less exposure and they do their best to hide it or, much worse, justify it by calling those innocent people insurgents and shamelessly decrease the death tolls."

    −−−Malalai Joya said she would be “very happy” to see foreign troops leave. “Currently, Afghan people especially women are squashed between three enemies: Taliban, fundamentalist warlords and (US/NATO) troops. If the foreign enemy leaves the Afghan grounds my people would face two internal enemies.

    “The US used the plight of Afghan women as an excuse to occupy Afghanistan in 2001 by filling television screens, Internet pages and newspapers with pictures of women being shot down or beaten up in public. Once again, it is moulding the oppression on women into a propaganda tool to gain support and staining their hands with ever-deepening treason against Afghan women,” Joya added. (以下略)

    • Bretigne's Blog
      ※ 以下引用する関連記事は、いずれも秀逸と思います;⇒
    • Saving Women and Preventing Genocide: The Real Reasons We’re in Afghanistan Now
      by Bretigne Shaffer, August 10, 2010 / LewRockwell_com

      −−− As Qayoumi’s photo essay ( 下に掲載) demonstrates so clearly, Afghanistan is not a devastated nation because its people "have a 1200 AD mentality." It is devastated because it has been invaded and occupied by hostile foreign powers for years. Anyone who truly cares about the welfare of the Afghan people would do well to remember this fact before proposing more of what has caused that country’s problems as their solution.
    • Once Upon a Time in Afghanistan...
      副題: Record stores, Mad Men furniture, and pencil skirts -- when Kabul had rock 'n' roll, not rockets
      BY MOHAMMAD QAYOUMI | MAY 27, 2010, Foreign Policy

      −−− Many assume that's all Afghanistan has ever been -- an ungovernable land where chaos is carved into the hills. Given the images people see on TV and the headlines written about Afghanistan over the past three decades of war, many conclude the country never made it out of the Middle Ages.

      But that is not the Afghanistan I remember. (以下略)
    • Recalling Pol Pot's Terror, But Forgetting His Backers
      by John Pilger, January 31, 2004 / LewRockwell_com

      −−− The genocide in Cambodia did not begin on April 17 1975, "Year Zero." It began more than five years earlier when American bombers killed an estimated 600,000 Cambodians. Phosphorous and cluster bombs, napalm and dump bombs that left vast craters were dropped on a neutral country of peasant people and straw huts. In one six-month period in 1973, more tons of American bombs were dropped on Cambodia than were dropped on Japan during the second world war: the equivalent of five Hiroshimas. The regime of Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger did this, secretly and illegally.

      Unclassified CIA files leave little doubt that the bombing was the catalyst for Pol Pot's fanatics, who, before the inferno, had only minority support. Now, a stricken people rallied to them. In Panh's film, a torturer refers to the bombing as his reason for joining "the maquis": the Khmer Rouge. What Nixon and Kissinger began, Pol Pot completed. And having been driven out by the Vietnamese, who came from the wrong side of the cold war, the Khmer Rouge were restored in Thailand by the Reagan administration, assisted by the Thatcher government, who invented a "coalition" to provide the cover for America's continuing war against Vietnam. (以下略)


「正義・自由」 の屁理屈の下、実際には自身の利益のためだけに他国に競って介入する 「西側大国」 とタリバン、その野蛮さと好戦性においてどちらが秀でているか? 昔は栄えていたアフガニスタンイラクの国土を荒廃させ、国民を殺戮し、国を破壊した 「西側」 の責任は永遠に問われないのか? 実際の行動から判断するに 「西側大国」 、特にアメリカは、以下紹介する誰かのコトバに忠実に従っているみたい;

  • 我々が世論と言っているものは大半が絶え間無い啓蒙によって呼び起されたものである。世論は人為的に作られ、移ろい易く、絶えず啓蒙しておく必要がある。
  • 嘘にも正しい原則がある。大きい嘘は信じてもらえる一定要素がある。民衆は小さい嘘より大きい嘘の犠牲になり易い。
  • 責任は全て敵にある。戦争の責任について自国だけに責任があるのではない、と論じるのは間違いであって、例えそうだとしても、責任はすべて敵に負わせる事が正しいのである。重要なのは私の責任ではないと突っぱねるのではなく、あいつの責任だと突っ放すのである。単なる責任回避では卑怯者、腰抜けの誹りを免れない。人を相手に交渉する場合、弱み、手の内を見せたらやり込められる。責任を取るのが嫌で、相手に責任を擦りつけるのみでもいけない。あくまで、交渉のカードとしての責任を論じる事が、有効な攻撃の手段となり得る。

TIME紙には、同じ誰かさんの次の言葉を贈りましょう; 『マスコミは下衆である。この下衆が所謂世論の2/3を製造し、その泡から議会主義という神の愛が生まれたのだ。口当たりの良い言葉を用いるマスコミや人間は自己の利益のみに動くか、単なる馬鹿である。用心すべし。』