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オバマの言論統制、情報操作  その2: WikiLeaks をめぐるドタバタ

アメリカ政府にとって大変都合のよろしくない情報を暴露したウィキリークスに対する嫌がらせが露骨になって来ました。自国民および 「国際社会」 にひた隠しにしている侵略戦争の実態が明るみに出ますから、黙らせたいでしょう。もしこれが中国政府のことであったら、アメリカはそれこそ鬼の首でも獲ったかの様に 「弾圧」 として糾弾するのでしょうが、自分のこととなると屁理屈オンパレード、身勝手な政府です;

WikiLeaks Home
Afghan War Diary, 2004-2010

  • ウィキリークス創設者、指名手配取り下げ
    8月21日23時13分配信 読売新聞

    −−− 検察の広報担当者は21日、同氏から暴行されたとする2人の女性の告発を元に20日夜に逮捕状を出したと述べた。ところが21日夕になり、首席検察官が「強姦があったと考える理由はない」とする声明を出し、撤回した。 (以下略)


「米国は、米国とそのパートナーの国民の生命を危険にさらし、安全保障をおびやかす機密情報の公開を強く非難する」 と云うのが屁理屈ですが、自分達が被侵略国の国民の生命を危険にさらし、被侵略国および周辺地域の安全保障をおびやかしていることに対しては一切考慮していない、いやその必要さえ無いと公言しているに等しい。そんなことを、アメリカ国民は理解し許しているのか?

  • 不都合な真実:誰もこれを暴虐暴政と呼ばない / シェルドン・リッチマン
    益岡さん訳、最終更新:2010-08-20 09:59:26、みんなの翻訳


    我々の誤指導者と誤議員たちは、我々の名をつかって他にどんな残虐行為を犯しているだろうか? (以下略)
  • http://www.rawa.org/temp/runews/2010/08/19/why-wikileaks-must-be-protected.html
    Why WikiLeaks must be protected
    John Pilger, The New Statesman, August 19, 2010 (RAWA 掲載)

    −−− A duty to publish

    On 16 August, the Guardian, citing Daniel Ellsberg, described the great Israeli whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu as "the pre-eminent hero of the nuclear age". Vanunu, who alerted the world to Israel's secret nuclear weapons *1, was kidnapped by the Israelis and incarcerated for 18 years after he was left unprotected by the Sunday Times, which had published the documents he supplied. In 1983, another heroic whistleblower, Sarah Tisdall, a Foreign Office clerical officer, sent documents to the Guardian disclosing how the Thatcher government planned to spin the arrival of US cruise missiles in Britain. The Guardian complied with a court order to hand over the documents, and Tisdall went to prison.

    The WikiLeaks revelations shame the dominant section of journalism, devoted merely to taking down what cynical and malign power tells it. This is state stenography, not journalism. Look on the WikiLeaks site and read a Ministry of Defence document that describes the "threat" of real journalism. And so it should be a threat. Having skilfully published the WikiLeaks exposé of a fraudulent war, the Guardian should now give its most powerful and unreserved editorial support to the protection of Assange and his colleagues, whose truth-telling is as important as any in my lifetime. (以下略)
  • The Laureate and the Leaker: Swedish Warrant a Salvo in Team Obama's War on Wikileaks
    Saturday, 21 August 2010 21:58, Chris Floyd's Empire Burlesque

    −−−We have the President of the United States -- who has already openly proclaimed his "right" to assassinate anyone on earth, including American citizens, without the slightest due process of law, simply at his arbitrary command -- now feverishly expanding the use of death squads, whose stealthy night raids on sleeping villages have already killed a vast number of innocent civilians in Afghanistan (as the Wikileaks documents show). This same administration is now running "black ops," secret armies, proxy wars and other covert activities in more than 75 countries around the world. That is to say, the Obama Administration is now murdering people in their beds, fomenting bloody ethnic conflict, supporting and/or carrying out acts of terrorism, spreading corruption, assisting dictators, arming warlords, spreading hate and suffering all over the world -- and doing it knowingly, proudly. ("Evil in broad daylight" indeed, as Arthur Silber details here.) (以下略)
    • The Accomodationists: Memo to Liberals on the White House Death Warrants
      Thursday, 08 April 2010 16:12, Chris Floyd's Empire Burlesque

      Let us hear no more excuses for Barack Obama. Let us hear no more defenses, no more special pleading, no more extenuations. Let us have no more reciting of the "pressures" he is under, of the "many obstacles" that balk him in his quest to do us good, of the "bad advisors" who are swaying him to unworthy acts against his will. Let us be done at last with all these wretched lies, these complicitous self-deceptions that are facilitating atrocity and tyranny on a monstrous scale. (中略)

      When you support him (注: Barack Obama を指す), when you defend him, when you excuse him, it is arbitrary murder that you are supporting. It is the absolute negation of every single principle of enlightenment and human rights professed by liberals, progressives -- indeed, by honorable people of every political stripe -- for centuries. (以下略)

にやけたオバマに全ての侵略から手を引かせることが出来れば万々歳ですが、それが出来ないなら、少なくともアメリカ政府がどんな理屈で、どんな手段で、どんな逃げ道を用意しながら自分達に不都合な人達や他国民を抹殺しているか 「国際社会」 が認識するだけでも意義があるとおもう。
