
『翻訳家 山岡朋子ファンクラブ初代会長の日記』 より移行

アフガニスタン: Malalai Joya マラライ・ジョヤさん関連記事の紹介 その7

Defense Committee for Malalai Joya (DCMJ) サイトでの英語への翻訳が5月末以降途絶えていたため少々心配しておりましたが7月に入り再開。周辺記事も併せて紹介しますと;

  • Fearless campaigner
    GulfNews Weekend Review Friday, 02 July 2010
    (Defense Committee for Malalai Joya (DCMJ) کمیته دفاع از ملالی جویا 掲載)

    −−− My message to democratic people around the world, especially those from the countries with troops in my country, is that democracy never comes by cluster bombs, by white phosphorous. The troops themselves are the victims of the wrong policy of their governments, who send them for a bad cause. They are not children of Obama or Michelle that they will be sad if the soldiers get killed. It is the ordinary Afghans they are killing, not their family. This is just a war crime. They must end it. (以下略)

    出典: 同記事。

  • Dartay hain bandooqon walay ek nehatti larki say
    Farooq Sulehria, Viewpoint, 28/05/2010, Defense Committee for Malalai Joya (DCMJ) 掲載

    −−− Viewpoint: If Taliban accept the offer to join the government, what impact it will have on Afghan women’s situation?

    Joya: The warlords ruling Afghanistan under the leadership of Karzai are a photocopy of Taliban. The only difference is that instead of religion, they use democracy to oppress women. This way, they are also discrediting democracy in peoples’ minds.  (中略)

    −−− More and more women are committing suicide because they think their voice is not heard. The Afghan woman is sandwiched between a misogynist regime and a patriarchal system. If we have a democratic system, at least there is a chance that patriarchy is challenged a little bit. Now if the Taliban join the warlords, there will be more restrictions on women.

    • Afghan girls brave Taliban threats
      UPDATED ON:Saturday, June 05, 2010 14:16 Mecca time, 11:16 GMT, Al Jazeera English

      The Taliban has waged a violent campaign against girls who go to schools in their Afghan strongholds.

      A series of attacks against schools and female students have driven many girls to go underground to receive an education. (以下略)
      • 上掲記事中の、女性に対する暴行とは;
        Afghan girls scarred in acid attack
        UPDATED ON:Wednesday, November 12, 2008 23:59 Mecca time, 20:59 GMT, Al Jazeera English

        バッテリ液(強酸性 *1)をかけられた被害者の写真をあえて紹介しますと;

        出典: 同記事

<米下院>アフガン増派予算案可決 「厭戦ムード」濃く小差』 など呑気な報道がなされていますが、いかにアメリ有権者の 「代表者」 たちが戦争の実態を知らないか露呈しています。

私は、人殺しは悪と考えます。ところが 「必要性」 から物事を考えると、人殺しの場である戦争さえ是認どころか賞賛されかねない。敬愛するひろさちやさんは 『必要性が悪を善に変えてしまうのは宗教音痴のゆえんである』 と書かれていますが、米欧政府やキリスト教会の動きを見ている限り当てはまらない。いかに政治に民意が反映されていないか、と云うことか?


*1:バッテリー液(電解液)は、無色透明の硫酸で、充電された時の硫酸濃度は約37%(比重1.280/20℃)です。 この液体は、腐食性が強く、金属を酸化させたり人体の細胞を侵し皮膚炎を起こさせるなど非常に危険
−−− http://www12.ocn.ne.jp/~simizudk/page032.html より抜粋