
『翻訳家 山岡朋子ファンクラブ初代会長の日記』 より移行

オバマの欺瞞: イラクからの撤退の実態 続報

オバメーターなるものがあって、オバマの選挙公約 (総計525項目リストアップされていますが、評価対象は506項目。この差は−−−興味ないや) の実現度合いを公約毎に測っています;

PolitiFact / The Obameter Tracking Barack Obama's Campaign Promises


  • PolitiFact Begin removing combat brigades from Iraq - Obama promise No_ 126

    公約: "Barack Obama will work with military commanders on the ground in Iraq and in consultation with the Iraqi government to end the war safely and responsibly within 16 months."

    評価: Here, though, we're rating Obama's promise to remove combat troops within 16 months of taking office. Technically, he's a few months over the deadline, but he often said "about 16 months" on the campaign trail. In February 2009, shortly after taking office, he set a deadline of August 31, 2010, and he's making that goal. Given the scale and complexity of removing combat troops from Iraq, we think he is substantially meeting the terms of his promise. We rate it Promise Kept.

様々な逃げ道が周到に練り込んである政治家の公約の評価としてはこんなものでしょうが、 『戦闘部隊』 が本当に撤退するのかは大変疑問であるし、アメリカが戦争から手を引く訳ではなさそう。9月以降も依然として5万人も残留することになるし、傭兵も沢山職にありつける様だし (まさか失業対策じゃあないでしょうね)

  • Petraeus: We’re Not Leaving Iraq
    副題: Pentagon Surprised to Hear Reports that War Ended
    by Jason Ditz, August 19, 2010, ANTIWAR.COM

    −−− But it seems like the spin is even more surprising to the Pentagon leadership, as Gen. David Petraeus was pressed today on whether this was the right time to have left Iraq, and he said what he most likely wasn’t supposed to say.

    “First of all we are not leaving,” Petraues insisted, adding that “there are 50,000 US troops that are remaining in Iraq” and that they retain an “enormous capability.” It is a capability that is tough to reconcile with the official story that these are all just trainers. (以下略)
  • All Lies, All the Time / Your tax dollars at work
    by Justin Raimondo, August 20, 2010, ANTIWAR.COM

    −−− Everything that comes out of this administration, from its pronouncements on the overseas front to its own unemployment numbers, is a lie: it’s all lies, all the time. Even in small matters, the default is a fib, such as in the case of the Pentagon’s denial that it was ever in touch with WikiLeaks about minimizing the alleged damage done by the next Afghanistan document dump. (以下略)
    • US Announces Second Fake End to Iraq War
      by Jason Ditz, August 18, 2010, ANTIWAR.COM

      It was another of those great TV moments. Embedded reports filming as the “last” brigade of American troops in Iraq cross the border into Kuwait bringing over seven years of unhappy conflict to its final, conclusive end. America was, at last, at peace.

      But like so many other great TV moments, this one was a scripted fantasy, a fake exit done purely for political gain by an increasingly unpopular president trying to look like he is keeping at least one campaign promise. (以下略)

      この記事の見出しは最高!! アメリカの大手メディアは、よほど 「感動的な」 ショーを流した様ですね。さすがノー(ベル)平和賞オバマ!!
  • The Secret Killers
    Pratap Chatterjee and Tom Engelhardt, August 20, 2010 (ANTIWAR.COM 掲載)

    The 9/11 killers were mass assassins who gave up their own lives to murder thousands. It’s now clear that, in response, the U.S. went into the global assassination business.  (中略)

    It’s increasingly clear that the ground-war version of the Global War on Terror has featured its own growing assassination wing. Striking numbers of special operations forces have by now been assigned to what can only be termed assassination missions in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. We don’t yet know the full scope of these activities, but it was no mistake that our last Afghan war commander, General Stanley McChrystal, emerged from a world of counterterrorism, not counterinsurgency. He made his reputation in the shadows as a "manhunter," overseeing the Pentagon’s super-secret Joint Special Operations Command which, among other things, ran what journalist Seymour Hersh has described as an "executive assassination wing" out of Vice President Dick Cheney’s office. (以下略)

    テロとの戦い」 の実態は、アメリカ自らが世界中で公然とテロ行為を展開すること。それを支持する某国政府も同罪、更には彼らを議会に送り込んだ有権者はその最終責任を負うことになるのですが。
  • Don’t Call It Combat: US Troops Still Fighting Iraq War in Everything But Name
    by Jason Ditz, August 19, 2010, ANTIWAR.COM

    It was business as usual in Iraq today for 56,000 US troops, despite the canned “victory” celebration yesterday the troops, though by and large redefined as something, anything, other than “combat troops” were still out and about, doing the exact same things they were doing when they were still engaging in combat. (以下略)


8月19日18時50分配信 毎日新聞

−−−  軍事情勢に詳しいワリ・アフマザイ上院議員は、「テロが続発するイラクから米軍戦闘部隊が撤退できる理由は、『敵』が対米闘争から反政府闘争や宗派抗争に軸足を移したためだ。アフガンでも同じことが起きて米軍が撤退すれば、内戦が突発して国土は荒廃し、支援各国の復興努力も水泡に帰す」と警告。「国際社会は米国に対し、軍隊を撤退させる前に和平を実現するよう圧力をかけるべきだ」と訴えた。

この軍事マニアは、歴史上アメリカが国外に軍隊を派遣して和平を実現させたことなど無いことは認識していないらしい。アメリカが軍隊を派遣する動機は和平のためではないし、それ以前に人殺しのプロに和平など、笑わせる。アフガニスタンから撤退したら内戦により国土が荒廃する? ふざけてはいけない、アメリカがイラクアフガニスタンの内戦を誘発し国土を後輩させている張本人。一体両国に計何発の爆弾を投下したのか、軍事情勢に少しでも詳しいなら認識してるだろ? コイツも戦争で肥え太るタイプ。