
『翻訳家 山岡朋子ファンクラブ初代会長の日記』 より移行

アフガニスタン情勢: オバマの侵略戦争がもたらしているもの

2010年7月31日日付け アフガニスタン: Malalai Joya マラライ・ジョヤさん関連記事の紹介 その9: TIME Magazine よ、恥を知れ! - 翻訳家 山岡朋子ファンクラブ初代会長の日記 および2010年5知己11日付け アフガニスタン: Malalai Joya マラライ・ジョヤさん関連記事の紹介 その5 - 翻訳家 山岡朋子ファンクラブ初代会長の日記 にて紹介しました、アメリカの三流雑誌による侵略戦争正当化およびアフガニスタン情勢に関する続報;

RAWA サイトから】

同組織の本来のHP Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) は更新が止まっています。


  • The real story behind Time’s Afghan woman cover: American complicity
    NiemanWatchdog, The Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University, August 12, 2010

    −−− The purported object lesson is clear: If we leave Afghanistan now, this is what will happen. The woman had tried to run away from her abusive husband, and this was her punishment. Despite the torrent of bad news about the war, Time would have us believe this is the choice we face. But that is a comic-book version of Afghanistan. (以下略)
  • “Liberating” the Women of Afghanistan
    Dissident Voice, August 9, 2010

    Time magazine must be experiencing a severe case of amnesia, judging by the cover of this week’s issue which asks, “What Happens If We Leave Afghanistan .” At best, this effort by Time is irresponsible slick journalism; at worst, it is one of the most blatant pieces of pro-war propaganda seen in years. The world owes Afghanistan’s women an honest answer as to why we apathetically allow their condition to deteriorate from horrible to simply unspeakable. Instead, Time is willingly deceiving readers into thinking that the condition of Aisha – the woman pictured on the cover – is a product of the Taliban 10 years ago. It is not. Aisha’s scarred face is a heart-wrenching reflection of the state of Afghan women today in the year 2010, and under the absurd assertion of democracy and the presence of thousands of US and NATO troops in the country. (以下略)
  • Between the Bomb and the Burqa
    t r u t h o u t, August 8, 2010

    −−− According to Pozner, the continual uncritical coverage of American war efforts in Afghanistan by the corporate media does a disservice to Afghan women and everyone involved in the conflict.

    "Afghan women deserve far more than to be used as pawns in US war games, and journalists need to do their jobs," said Pozner, decrying a media that "is far more willing to act as stenographers than watch dogs."
  • Don’t exploit women to justify war, says Afghan activist
    RFI, August 6, 2010

    −−− “Obviously, this is a political issue,” she comments. “With the WikiLeaks documents we know there is a lot of push by the US government, saying that we need to promote the women’s issues so that we can gain support in the West, particularly in the US.” (中略)“Women’s issues always have been taken advantage [of],” she says. “… whether there was in the Soviet invasion, now the US invasion and even during the civil war, women have been used drastically, unfortunately.” (以下略)


正義とは何ぞや、などアメリカ国内でどんな議論をしようと勝手だが、自分達が背景や事情をよく把握していない他国との関係においては、それが正しいとは限らない。更に、自国政府がその正義とは全く関係無くアフガニスタンイラクで行っている侵略戦争の本質も見抜けないなら、やっぱりアメリカ人は馬鹿です。 <米国>イラク戦闘部隊撤退へ アフガン戦争継続へ理解求め / 8月4日20時22分配信 毎日新聞 など呆れるばかり。イラクでの最近のテロ増加は、アメリカ好戦派により仕組まれた自作自演とも思えてしまう。パワーゲームはアメリカタイプのエリートの楽しみなのだろうが、彼らには人間が見えていないのでしょう。