
『翻訳家 山岡朋子ファンクラブ初代会長の日記』 より移行

パレスチナ、国連加盟申請 −−− 国家承認の申請へ! その4 各国演説 など

General Debate: 66th Session

26日には中国、騒乱の只中にあるシリア、長年に渡るアメリカの違法な経済封鎖に苦しめられるキューバおよび国を分割したスーダンなどが演説。 なお24日に行われたソマリアの演説および演説では無く書面で参加したらしい? サウジアラビアについても紹介。あとエクアドルベネズエラはいつかな?;

【中国 楊潔チ(竹カンムリに褫のつくり)外相演説 / 23日】

 演説全文 (英語)
 演説全文 (仏語)

   −−−China consistently supports the just cause of establishing an independent Palestinian state and supports Palestine's membership in the United Nations. We support efforts to achieve the "two-state solution" through political negotiation so as to establish, on the basis of the 1967 borders, an independent Palestinian state that enjyos full sovereignty with East Jerusalem as its capital. (以下略、引用終わり)

 China / H.E. Mr. Yang Jiechi, Minister for Foreign Affairs / Statement Summary
   Morning 26 September 2011, General Debate: 66th Session

   時事通信 9月27日(火)6時7分配信

【シリア ムアレム外相演説 / 23日】

 演説全文 (英語)

 Syrian Arab Republic / H.E. Mr. Walid Al-Moualem, Minister for Foreign Affairs / Statement Summary
   Morning 26 September 2011, General Debate: 66th Session

   −−−In fact, he stressed, any objective analysis of the events in and around Syria would demonstrate that the purpose of the current anti-Syria campaign was to attack the model of coexistence that had been a source of pride to its people. He asked: what else could that course achieve other than spreading Western hegemony and serving Israel’s expansionist interests? From the rostrum today, he called on States that had partaken in that unjust campaign to reconsider their positions. / Finally, he said that Syria considered the international community’s pursuit of the recognition of Palestinian statehood to be legitimate. It was a positive step, he added, calling on all Member States to support that request. Regarding the Middle East nuclear-weapon-free zone, Syria’s position was established and well known. It continued to call for exercising pressure on Israel to implement international resolutions that had called on it to accede to the safeguard regime of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). (サマリ終わり、引用終わり)

   <シリア>外相が国連で演説 欧米をけん制
   毎日新聞 9月27日(火)11時49分配信

キューバ ロドリゲス外相演説 / 23日】

 演説全文 (英語)

   −−−The General Assembly has the inescapable moral, political and legal obligation to ensure the recognition of an independent Palestinian State, with the boundaries established before 1967 and with East Jerusalem as its capital, as a full member of the United Nations Organization. It should do so with or without the approval of the Security Council, with or without the US veto, with or without new peace negotiations. (以下略、引用終わり)

 Cuba / H.E. Mr. Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, Minister for Foreign Affairs / Statement Summary
   Afternoon 26 September 2011, General Debate: 66th Session

   −−−the military intervention in Libya and “the growing threat” against Syria amounted to opportunistic actions taken by the United States and Europe in response to the collapse of their own system of “domination and plunder” in North Africa and the Middle East. −−− Meanwhile, the economic and financial blockade against Cuba had been tightening and attempts to subvert Cuban constitutional order were rampant. Moreover, right-wing extremists and the Cuban-American mafia continued to subvert the minimal steps taken by the United States Government that to some extent had favoured the links between Cuban émigrés and their home country. The Cuban President had reiterated that he would continue to change, in a sovereign way, all that needed to be changed, so that Cuba’s economy was more efficient and its socialist system operated better. (サマリ終わり、引用終わり)

   Canciller cubano: Palestina debe estar en ONU, con veto de EEUU o sin él (+ Video)
   26 Septiembre 2011. Cubadebate

スーダン ケルティ外相演説 / 23日】

 演説全文 (アラビア語)

 Sudan / H.E. Mr. Ali Ahmed Karti, Minister for Foreign Affairs / Statement Summary
   Afternoon 26 September 2011, General Debate: 66th Session

   −−−his country was approaching the international community with new momentum, choosing peace and stability despite sacrificing a dear part of its land. Sudan had chosen peace and displayed patience amid obstacles to its implementation, accepting the result of South Sudan’s referendum for independence and welcoming it into the community of nations. However, that did not mean a “final divorce” in an era of globalization and alliances that transcended political boundaries. Sudan was committed to settling all the problems related to its peace agreement with South Sudan, in particular border issues and oil revenue. It would deal with all tensions and had accepted the choice of separation, not because it did not want unity, but because it wanted sustainable peace and stability. −−− The international financial crisis had increased poverty in developing countries, dropping social services at a time when climate change exacerbated problems in those countries, he said. Increased aid for famine in the sister republics in Africa, notably Somalia, was a priority. The African Union and early warning systems had also helped maintain peace and security. African efforts for peacemaking, such as the Council of Wise Men, led by former South African President Thabo Mbeki, played a key role in settling disputes. But reform of the Organization, notably the Security Council, was still required. Real reform of the Council would stop it from being exploited in a way that casts doubt on the Organization’s credibility. (サマリ終わり、引用終わり)

ソマリア アブディウェリ首相演説 / 23日】

 演説全文 (英語)

 Somalia / H.E. Mr. Abdiweli Mohamed Ali, Prime Minister / Statement Summary
   Afternoon 24 September 2011, General Debate: 66th Session

   −−−For the time being, however, the humanitarian situation in Somalia remained dire, and he expressed gratitude to the international community for its pledges of assistance. However, without urgent intervention, three quarters of a million people might perish in the next few months. It was critical, therefore, to accelerate efforts to reach those living in the Al-Shabaab-controlled areas, and the international community must urgently reinforce efforts to extend the zone of safety for aid workers beyond Mogadishu and into those affected areas. The future of Somalia hung in the balance and with it, the prospect of peace, stability and prosperity in the Horn of Africa and security for nations across the world. Resolute global action was now required if Somalia was to consolidate and build on the gains already made and extend them to the rest of the country for the sake of future generations. (サマリ終わり、引用終わり)

サウジアラビア サウド・アル・ファイサル外相書面 / 26日】

 Saudi Arabia urges world to accept Palestinians' UN bid
   27 September 2011, JMCC.org (Jerusalem Media & Communications Center)

   −−−"As a result of the continued Israeli intransigence and disruption of the peace process, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia calls upon all member states of the United Nations to [recognize the] state of Palestine on the border of June 4, 1967 with East Jerusalem as its capital, and to grant it full membership of the United Nations," Faisal said. / The Saudi foreign minister did not appear in person to give his speech. His statement was issued in written form at the end of Monday's speeches at the annual U.N. General Assembly session in New York. (以下略、引用終わり)

    「ふがいないアラブ」 代表格ですが。


 Palestine UN bid Live Blog / Al Jazeera Blogs

 PLO Bids for Statehood - Al Jazeera English

 U.N. Security Council takes up Palestinian statehood
   9/26/11 5:50 PM EDT, POLITICO.com

   読売新聞 9月27日(火)11時40分配信

 Sources: Quartet push for peace talks weakened by issue of Israel as Jewish state
   Published 10:18 26.09.11 / Latest update 10:18 26.09.11, Haaretz Daily Newspaper



 Full transcript of Abbas speech at UN General Assembly
   Published 20:22 23.09.11 / Latest update 20:22 23.09.11, Haaretz Daily Newspaper

    下掲 [◆JSRメルマガ◆ パレスチナ最新情報 11・09・25.txt] にて案内のもの。先日紹介のUNサイト掲載PDFとの比較は行っておりません。

     ◆JSRメルマガ◆ パレスチナ最新情報 11・09・25.txt 直 24日メルマガの一部訂正
     ◆JSRメルマガ◆ パレスチナ最新情報 11・09・24.txt 直

   読売新聞 9月25日(日)22時6分配信

   −−−イスラエルが入植やガザ封鎖を続ける限り「和平を口にすること自体、ばかばかしい」などと厳しく批判した。 (以下略、引用終わり)


 Chávez, Evo y Obama (Primera Parte)
   25 Septiembre 2011, Cubadebate

 Chávez, Evo y Obama (Segunda parte y final)
   26 Septiembre 2011, Cubadebate

    このところ別件 (詳細不明、確か何かの調査) にかかりきりのフィデルのコメント。