
『翻訳家 山岡朋子ファンクラブ初代会長の日記』 より移行

パレスチナ、国連加盟申請 −−− 国家承認の申請へ! その5: 各国演説 最終日

General Debate: 66th Session

一般討論演説最終日27日にはロシア、 パレスチナ同様に 国際連合総会オブザーバー である ローマ教皇庁 (タイトルは Holy See - Wikipedia聖座 - Wikipedia)、ベネズエラ、DPRK、エクアドルなどが演説し、 国際連合総会議長 *1 による総括で終了;

【ロシア ラブロフ外相演説 / 27日】

 演説全文 (英語)
 演説全文 (露語)

   −−−The only viable basis for settlement is the coexistence of Palestinian and Israeli States in peace and security. We support the application of the Palestinians to the UN Security Council and welcome the readiness reiterated by PNA President M. Abbas to hold talks with Israel on the basis of the existing international legal framework. (以下略、引用終わり)

 Russian Federation (The) / H.E. Mr. Sergey V. Lavrov, Minister for Foreign Affairs / Statement Summary
   Morning 27 September 2011, General Debate: 66th Session

   −−−While giving special attention to the developments in the Arab world and condemning violence against civilians, the Russian Federation stressed that actions by outside forces in that context must be based on full respect for international law and be instrumental to the search for a political settlement between the authorities and the opposition. The attempts to go beyond the Security Council’s mandate were unacceptable, since they undermined its authority and multiplied the suffering of innocent civilians. (以下略、引用終わり)

ローマ教皇庁 Dominique Mamberti 大司教演説 / 27日】

 演説全文 (仏語)

 Holy See / H.E. Archbishop Dominique Mamberti, Secretary for Relations with States / Statement Summary
   Morning 27 September 2011, General Debate: 66th Session

   −−−Courageous decisions also needed to be made for the right of Palestinians to have their own sovereign State and the right of Israel to have security. The Holy See urged both parties to return to negotiations with determination and resolve, issuing a call to the international community to help foster lasting peace between Israel and Palestine. (サマリ終わり、引用終わり)

ベネズエラ マドゥーロ外相演説 / 27日】

 演説全文 (英語)
 演説全文 (西語)

 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) / H.E. Mr. Nicolás Maduro Moros, Minister of the People’s Power for Foreign Affairs / Statement Summary
   Afternoon 27 September 2011, General Debate: 66th Session

   −−− reading a message from President Hugo Chávez, reaffirmed his country’s commitment to justice, equality and peace, stressing that peace should be sought through international laws. −−− Why was the United States the only country that had military bases all over the world? he asked. What was it so afraid of that it had to allocate such a staggering budget for its military power? Why had it unleashed so many wars? The United States Empire had appointed itself to be a judge of the world, although no one had asked it to do so, and today, Clausewitz’s famous maxim had been reversed: politics was the continuation of war by other means. −−− Asking why Libya’s National Transitional Council was granted a seat in the General Assembly while Palestine’s admission to the United Nations was blocked, he voiced unrestricted support to the Palestinian national cause. Moreover, only the Syrian people could decide their fate in light of the right to self-determination. / In the Horn of Africa, $1.4 billion in assistance is needed to prevent more than 12 million people from dying. It was also time for the United States to end its criminal blockade of Cuba and to release the five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters it was holding hostage. / Underlining the continuing “[United Nations] crisis”, he said it was clear the Organization could not improve from the inside. If the Secretary-General, along with the President of the International Criminal Court, took part in an act of war, as was the case in Libya, nothing could be expected from the current structure. There was no longer time for reforms. If the commitment was not made for “re-founding” the United Nations, the Organization would lose its remaining credibility. That re-founding must start with the elimination of both the permanent membership and power of the veto in the Security Council. The General Assembly’s decision-making power should be democratically maximized and the Charter should be reviewed with the aim of drafting a new one. Furthermore, an alliance of the South must lead the way to peace. (演説終わり、引用終わり)

    チャベス大統領のメッセージ代読の様子。 Blog de Hugo Chávez にも演説全文が掲載されています; 

     Carta del presidente Hugo Chávez a la Organización de las Naciones Unidas

【DPRK 朴吉淵(パク・ギルヨン)外務次官演説 / 27日】

 演説全文 (英語)

   −−−in the present international relations the logic of power and highhanded politics become all the more undisguised negating the principle of sovereign equality against the efforts and desires of the UN member states. / Few countries are engrossed in interference in intemal affairs and use of force against sovereign states in an attempt to dominate the regions of their strategic interests under the signboard of protecting civilians and defending peace. Regrettably, the UN is misused in this process. / International law and order are violated and undermined by the arbitrary and high-handed acts of some big powers. Such a reality of today requires UN member states to reaffirm the principle of defending peace and sovereign equality eushrined in the UN Charter and to speed up the process of the UN reform including enhanced power of the General Assembly. (以下略、引用終わり)

 Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (The) / H.E. Mr. Pak Kil Yon, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs / Statement Summary
   Afternoon 27 September 2011, General Debate: 66th Session

     聯合ニュース 9月28日(水)9時32分配信

エクアドル カリオン・メナ国連常駐代表演説 / 27日】

 演説全文 (西語)

   −−−La posición del Ecuador ante el conflicto del Medio Oriente tiene como fundamento principal el apego irrestricto a las normas y principios del derecho internacional y al cabal cumplimiento de las resoluciones de las Naciones Unidas. Luego de 43 años de haber aceptado la partición de Palestina en dos Estados, el Gobierno del Ecuador, calificando como un hecho de justicia histórica, reconoció el 24 de diciembre de 2010 a Palestina como Estado libre e independientecon sus fronteras de 1967 y con Jerusalén Este como su capital. / Por ello, mi pais brindó su apoyo irrestricto para que se acoja la solicitud de reconocimiento de Palestina como Estado miembro de las Naciones Unidas, solicitada formalmente por el presidente palestino, así como todas las demás iniciativas encaminadas a la consolidación de una paz duradera, que vaya no solo en beneficio de los pueblos de Palestina y de Israel, sino de toda la región. Es una hora histórica para la ONU que Ecuador espera esté a la altura de las circunstancias. (以下略、引用終わり)

 Ecuador / H.E. Mr. Francisco Carrión-Mena, Permanent Representative
   Afternoon 27 September 2011, General Debate: 66th Session


【アルナセル国連総会議長 総括演説 / 27日】

 演説全文 (英語)

 President of the 66th Session of the UNGA (closing) / H.E. Mr. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser
   Afternoon 27 September 2011, General Debate: 66th Session



*1:国際連合総会 - Wikipedia の最終更新は 2011年9月4日 (日) 08:52 となっていますが、議長の名前が2008年当時のまま更新されていない。