
『翻訳家 山岡朋子ファンクラブ初代会長の日記』 より移行

アフガニスタン: Malalai Joya マラライ・ジョヤさん関連記事の紹介 その6



  • 民間人殺害に関する部分のトランスクリプト

    Sonali Kolhatkar (インタビュアー) : Earlier this year some journalists were able to confirm that US troops had killed two pregnant women during a night-time raid. How common are such occurrences in Afghanistan today?

    Malalai Joya: Yes, civilians casualties of course has been a factor which killed many people, not only in Afghanistan but around the world against the US and NATO war in Afghanistan. Therefore they are trying very hard to lie when they kill innocent people and also stop media from reporting it. Most of the civilian casualties take place in remote areas of Afghanistan where there is no media to report it. So no one notices it. In many cases after killing people NATO [releases] statements saying that many insurgents were killed. When you try to find out from the local people, they are actually many women and children, not insurgents. Afghan media are also truly in the hands of the Afghan criminal bands. They rarely report civilians killed by the US and NATO. In Afghanistan behind any media outlet, especially TV channels they are a force for warlords of the Northern Alliance. For example those from Atta Mohammed, Qanooni, Mohseni, Mohaqqiq, Rabbani and others, each have their own TV channels and they naturally do not want to report civilian casualties by their US and NATO masters. The US Embassy in Kabul have a media who carefully motnitors all media in Afghanistan and if they find any of them reporting against US interests, then they try through different means to stop it. Bribes are a very common means used. For the US it’s not just fighting a war through military means, but they also fight on the propaganda front. I think propaganda plays a major role. They are trying to show the war as justifiable. For this they are using their lie-machines. When they kill civilians they immediately deny it and say all they have killed are Taliban. When there is no chance for any independent confirmation, the [inaudible] lies are reflected in the world media. There are only a few cases where some brave and justice loving journalists like John Starkey have come forward to unmake their shameful lies.


  • US troops executing prisoners in Afghanistan, journalist says
    Wednesday, May 12th, 2010 -- 9:16 am, Raw Story

    The journalist who helped break the story that detainees at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq were being tortured by their US jailers told an audience at a journalism conference last month that American soldiers are now executing prisoners in Afghanistan. −−−

    Hersh has a long history as an investigative journalist and worked for many years at The New York Times. In 1969, he broke the story of the My Lai massacre *1 in Vietnam.


皆氷山の一角でしょう。イラクでの戦争犯罪は別途紹介しますが、 Mr. Obama: Tear Down This War! by Bernard Weiner, The Crisis Papers と題された記事中、 "It seems that the only thing American governments learn from history is that they don’t learn from history." と書かれていますが、実際には学ぶ気などない確信犯なのでしょう。過去はどうでもよい、アメリカが歴史を作るのだ、いちいち説明の義務など無いとの傲慢な姿勢がうかがえる。オバマ子ブッシュ以上の戦争推進者であり、第三次世界大戦でも始められそうな巨額の軍事投資を画策しています。腑抜けた微笑みの下にある野心には要注意。

<米大統領>アフガンと年内に戦略的パートナーシップ宣言へ / 5月13日12時5分配信 毎日新聞 などと報道されていますが、アフガニスタン国民のことなど念頭に無い、単なる政治的茶番劇でしょう。
