
『翻訳家 山岡朋子ファンクラブ初代会長の日記』 より移行

アフガニスタン: Malalai Joya マラライ・ジョヤさん関連記事の紹介 その5

(昨日からの続き) マラライさんはファラー州より選出された議員ですが、2009年11月29日付け当ブログで紹介した様に、2003年12月17日 Loya Jirga (ロヤ・ジルガ国民大会議) での有名な演説 *1 で議会の反感を買って以来命を狙われることとなり、更に2007年には出演したTVインタビュー番組が操作 (改ざん) され、議会を侮辱したとのいちゃもんを付けられて資格停止の状態にあります。 (一方で 「神聖な」 議会で彼女を売春婦呼ばわりしレイプしてしまえ、とのたまった議員はお咎め無し) マラライさんにとって 『神聖』 な筈の議会が、アメリカ侵略以来、過去殺人・暴行を犯してきた軍属であふれ返っている状態は到底容認出来ませんから、謝罪を条件に議員資格を復活してやるとの申し出を蹴飛ばしています。ただし停止されているとはいえ本年9月で議員としての任期は満了しますから、命を賭して改めて立候補するのか、議員と云う職にこだわらず闘争を続けるかで迷っておられる様子;

この総会には、アフガニスタンからは Mr. Gailani Sayed Ishaq なる人物が出席しヨタを飛ばしています。英語版ウィキペディアでは Ishaq Gailani - Wikipedia 含め複数のページが存在。ただしIPUはマラライさんの活動・過去の経緯を熟知しておりますから、Gailani さんの面子を潰さない考慮をした上で上掲ステートメントを発行した様子。

一方、マラライさんは タイム (雑誌) - Wikipedia の 『2010年タイム100 (ウィキペディアによれば、その年で最も有力な100人のリスト)』 に選ばれています。一見結構なことに見えますが、実際には同誌にてかなり恥知らずの行為がなされ,マラライさんが激怒した様子;


  • Malalai Joya - The 2010 TIME 100 - TIME より抜粋

    "Malalai, 31, is a leader. I hope in time she comes to see the U.S. and NATO forces in her country as her allies. She must use her notoriety, her demonstrated wit and her resilience to get the troops on her side instead of out of her country. The road to freedom is long and arduous and needs every hand.

    By Ayaan Hirsi Ali Thursday, Apr. 29, 2010"

これに対してマラライさん側 (Defense Committee for Malalai Joya) より以下苦情が申し立てられたものの、ナシのつぶての様子;

  • Malalai Joya Named Time Magazine’s top 100 Most Influential People of 2010
    Uprising Radio Monday, 03 May 2010 より抜粋;

    "We strongly object to the inaccuracies in the write-up by Ayaan Hirshi Ali on Malalai Joya here.

    We believe it is disrespectful of Ms. Joya not to make clear her consistent and vocal opposition to the NATO occupation of Afghanistan. In fact, it is her opposition to war which has made her influential throughout the world, since in the vast majority of NATO countries public opinion is also opposed to the war.

    Hirshi Ali criticizes Ms. Joya’s views on the NATO occupation of Afghanistan without ever actually letting the reader know what they are. Surely the TIME 100 honorees have all earned the right to have their own views represented in a non-patronizing, accurate manner to your readers.

    The very first sentence — “To be a woman growing up in Afghanistan under the Taliban and to survive is in itself a major feat…” — betrays an unfamiliarity with the subject’s biography. In fact, Ms. Joya grew up in refugee camps in Iran and Pakistan. The Taliban only came to power in the period of 1994-1996, and Joya only returned to her homeland in 1998, at the age of 19. The whole tenor and content of the write-up plays into the common misconception in the United States that the only fundamentalist, reactionary political forces in Afghanistan are the Taliban. There is no reference to the civil war and the massacres carried out by fundamentalist warlords — many of whom have been returned to power under the Karzai regime."

また、別のインタビュー (上掲サイトに記載アリ) でマラライさん本人は以下表明しています;

  • Sonali Kolhatkar: You were just named one of the 100 most influential people of 2010 by TIME Magazine. But author Hirsi Ali, who wrote the announcement, said "I hope in time she comes to see the U.S. and NATO forces in her country as her allies. She must use her notoriety, her demonstrated wit and her resilience to get the troops on her side instead of out of her country." How do you respond to this statement?

    Malalai Joya: I am very angry with the way they have introduced me. TIME has painted a false picture of me and does not mention anything at all about my struggle against the occupation of Afghanistan by the US and NATO, which is disgusting. In fact every one knows that I stand side-by-side with the glorious anti war movements around the world and have proved time and again that I will never compromise with the US And NATO who have occupied my country, empowered the most bloody enemies of my people and are killing my innocent compatriots in Afghanistan. What TIME did was like giving an award to someone with one hand and getting it back with another hand. I have sent my protest through my Defense Committee, but TIME did not bother to even answer than protest letter. Perhaps this is the kind of freedom of expression exercised by TIME and the US. But I'm happy to see that many of my friends and supporters have objected to the write-up and expressed it by posting their comments on TIME's site or sending me many emails.

エントリーを書いた Ayaan Hirsi Ali なる人物は個人的希望 (I hope −−−) として書いていますから責任は問えないのでしょうが、アメリカの都合のよい方向へ誘導しようとするTIMEの姿勢には呆れてしまう。マラライさんの活動を愚弄するもの。アメリカ・NATOアフガニスタンで実際にやっている恥ずべき行為は、マラライさんコメントで詳細に述べられています。まあTIME如き三流誌にどう紹介されようとされまいとマラライさんの価値は変わりませんが。件の号は日本でも販売されている様ですよ;

 出典: https://subs.timeinc.net/ja_JP/EUC/TI/ti_jpovtr.jhtml



*1: 参照