
『翻訳家 山岡朋子ファンクラブ初代会長の日記』 より移行

ハイチはどうなっている? その6: 補足

地震で壊滅的な被害を蒙ったハイチを救え! 的な運動が盛り上がるのは他人を思いやる意味で尊いことであり、ついでにハイチのことをもっと知ろうとする姿勢も大事。しかしその善意が殆ど活かされていないとなるとこれは問題です。表向きどの様なレトリックが駆使されようと、現実を見れば騙されることはありません;

  • Too early for medals in Haiti
    UPDATED ON: Sunday, July 18, 2010 / 15:34 Mecca time, 12:34 GMT, Al Jazeera English

    −−−Uneven aid effort

    During my six months in Haiti, I have seen an aid effort proceed on an uneven course - from its problematic inception, to successes in disease prevention, and back to somewhere in between.

    As Mulet and others freely admit, the sense of urgency has been lost here. That might sound hard to believe when there are more than 1.5 million living in squalid camps, exposed to the elements with extreme weather on the way, but it is true.

    And for most Haitians, the failures of the aid effort are more obvious than its successes. The fact that in six months only 5,500 storm proof shelters have been built in the entire country, the huge rise in assaults on women in the camps, the rubble spilling out over every neighbourhood, a city which still looks much the same as it did in the days just after the quake ....

    Perhaps it is a little early to be giving out medals?

    Title: Celebrities given medals for their role in the aid effort but Haitians see little progress [AFP]
    出典: 同記事
  • Haitians cry: Show me the money
    By Rob Reynolds in Americas on July 14th, 2010, Al Jazeera Blogs

    −−−"People feel like they've been neglected and they've been abused and used," he told me. "They think that most of those people [the foreign aid workers] just keep those monies, staying in fancy cars and going to beaches and clubs... they don't give enough, not even the little piece to those really in need. They're willing to fight."

    The more time passes without significant improvements, the greater the frustration grows.

実際に現場で苦労されている方々に物陰から石を投げる様なマネは出来ませんが、善意のカネを通常のビジネスと変わらない感覚で扱う輩が少なからずいること、色々難しい事情はあるにせよ、それを本当に必要とする人達に 「善意」 は6ヶ月経っても殆ど届いていない現実があることは忘れてはならない;

  • Haiti sees a trickle in pledges for recovery
    By Mary Beth Sheridan / Washington Post, Updated: 07/18/2010 09:44:22 PM CDT

    WASHINGTON — Three months after donors at a U.S.-sponsored conference pledged more than $5.3 billion to rebuild Haiti, just a small fraction of the money has been disbursed and a special reconstruction commission has barely started to function, according to U.N. and aid officials.

  • Haiti 6 months later: World Vision says much has been done but road to recovery will take years

    このサイトだけではありませんが見ていて非常に気になるのが、 「復興には何年もかかる」 と云う事が強調されている点。そりゃ何年もかけて他国に荒らされたうえに地震でハード・ソフト共に崩壊した訳だから、復興に時間がかかるのは当たり前でしょう。しかし、その 「他国」 なりNGOは一体いつまで関与し続けるつもりか? 既得権を失いたくないのでしょうが、支援金の使途・運用はハイチに任せるべきです。単に地震直前の状態に戻したのでは、ハイチは永遠に復興出来ない。

まず何より今生きている方々を次の自然災害 (ハリケーン) から守ることだけに全資源を集中すべきでしょう、時間が無いのですから−−−