
『翻訳家 山岡朋子ファンクラブ初代会長の日記』 より移行

オバマの侵略戦争: 担ぐ御輿は、軽くてパーがいい−−−

子ブッシュはその典型でしたが、オバマの場合、更に 『弁舌爽やかで』 が付け加わります。 (ブレアもそうかな?) それがなければ大統領にはなれなかったでしょう。取り巻きのエキスパートに言われるがままに発信しているため、あるいはだからこそ、消化出来ていないことでも腑抜けた笑顔で堂々と演説出来る。英語の教材としては売り易いと思いますが、打ち出される政策やら教書などをよく見ないと、あるいは真のエキスパート (例えば、強姦外交だったらヒ●リーとか) の言動に注目していないと実態がわからない;

    1. Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR),
    2. the Nuclear Posture Review (NPR),
    3. the Ballistic Missile Defense Report,
    4. the nuclear security summit in New York and
    5. the May 3-28 United Nations nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty review conference, as well as
    6. the continuing wars in the Middle East and Central Asia, and
    7. the 2011 Pentagon war budget request. −−−
    • The authors of the ... NPR are attempting to deliver two messages. The first message attempts to show that the US government is making some significant changes to its nuclear weapons doctrine and force structure, changes that bring the world closer to being free of nuclear weapons. The second message asserts that the United States is doing no such thing at all and in fact will remain a fully modernized and supreme nuclear power.
  • Page 2 of 2, OBAMA'S WAR MACHINE, Part 2 / America's nuclear intentions
    May 6, 2010, Asia Times Online

    −−− Above all, the Obama administration seeks to convey the impression to the people of the US and the world that it is diligently trying to reduce weapons, ease world tensions, and diminish the danger of more war. In reality, the US government is widening the wars, hiking military spending, introducing an entirely new and disruptive weapon, while erecting obstacles to the swift attainment of nuclear disarmament.

以上3記事は、先日引用しました様に Asia Times - Wikipedia に掲載されたシリーズもの。その他は;

  • Mr. Obama: Tear Down This War!
    May 11, 2010, The Crisis Papers

    Many of us progressives now in our 60s and 70s spent years of our young lives in "The Sixties" trying to stop the U.S. war in Vietnam. Many in this cohort were beaten, jailed, lost jobs, suffered discrimination. We were, after all, considered "unpatriotic" and "traitors" by government leaders and their rightwing supporters.

    We didn't end the war on our own, of course, much as we would have liked to believe that. Mainly, it was the Vietnamese themselves who were responsible for that outcome as they battled U.S. forces to a quagmire standoff and then took over the country when the massively unpopular South Vietnamese government collapsed. (中略)

    −−− And, perhaps most important domestically, the U.S. is losing its sense of itself as a moral country. Much as we would like to believe so, we are not seen as, and we are not in fact, the good guys here. It's well past time for President Obama to realize that he made a bad mistake, and exit as quickly as practicable.

    Would the U.S. look bad? Yeah, for a few minutes. Unless the policy changes, imagine what America will look like years from now after many thousands more U.S. troops and Afghan civilians are killed and maimed before our country comes to its senses and gets the hell out of there.

    Just get out. Now.

    60年代に反ベトナム戦争に参加していた方ですね、日本で云う 『団塊の世代』 、アメリカでは 『ベビーブーマー』 でしょうか。酒場で自慢するだけの 「若いころの勲章」 としてではなく、一貫して反戦の意思を持ち続けて今日に至るのは素晴らしいこと。
  • Did You Say $33 Billion?
    by David Swanson and Tom Engelhardt, May 12, 2010 / ANTIWAR.COM 掲載

    −−− An extreme step? Well, what do you call wasting $33 billion on a hopeless, immoral, illegal war that a majority of Americans oppose, and denying those same dollars to job creation or any other decent purpose?

    これがマトモな意見だと思います。ただ、アメリカ国民の大半がアフガニスタン侵略戦争に反対しているのかは、甚だギモンですが−−− 多分実態を知らされていない筈。
  • Obama’s Flailing Wars
    by Tom Engelhardt, May 17, 2010 / ANTIWAR.COM 掲載

    −−− We’ve moved from Bush’s visionary disasters to Obama’s flailing wars, while the people of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq continue to pay the price. If only we could close the curtain on this strange mix of farce and tragedy, but evidently we’re still stuck in act four of a five-act nightmare.

    Even as our Afghan and Pakistani wars are being sucked dry of whatever meaning might remain, the momentum is in only one direction – toward escalation. A thousand repetitions of an al-Qaeda-must-be-destroyed mantra won’t change that one bit. More escalation, unfortunately, is yet to come.

報告される戦費を見る限り、オバマは既に史上最悪の 『戦争大統領』 です。担がれているパーとは云え、いちおう、絶大な権限を持つ大統領ですから。現在存在しない架空の敵に備え、世界中どこにでも24時間以内にミサイルを打ち込める (何のために???) 体制を着々と進めているのを見ていると、戦争の準備をしているとしか思えない。気に入らない他国の努力など一瞬にしてフイにしてやる権利があると思っているのでしょう、 「アメリカ国民の信任を受けて」 いますから −−− こんな状態では、何を見ても聞いても文字通り馬耳東風;

  • Dealing with Iran
    This article appeared on National Interest (Online) on May 14, 2010.
    Cato Institute Commentary 掲載


将軍たちにあしらわれて:オバマはイラク撤退計画をスクラップに / デヴィッド・スワンソン
益岡さん訳、2010-05-14 21:48:16 みんなの翻訳




これはアメリカに限らない。議会制民主主義の場合、戦争をやめさせる (ことも含め、ある意思を実現させる) には投票でその意思を反映させるのが最も効果的と云うことですから−−−