
『翻訳家 山岡朋子ファンクラブ初代会長の日記』 より移行

マクドナルド株主総会; 9歳の女の子 vs CEO

 出典: 下掲 "Corporate Accountability International" サイトトップ

9歳の女の子がマクドナルドの株主総会に出席してCEOにスルドイ質問! と云うニュース。多分大多数が思っていても、さすがに株主総会の場で、おまけにCEOに投げ掛けられるとは思えない "junk food" なるコトバを使えたのは子どもならでは?

 記事: Awesome 9-Year-Old Girl Asks McDonald's CEO to Stop "Tricking Kids Into Eating Your Food"
     June 5, 2013, AlterNet

'We don't sell junk food', says McDonald's CEO to a 9-year-old girl. A whopper? (Page 1 of 2)
  May 30, 2013, CSMonitor.com

"McDonald's CEO Hosts 2013 Annual Shareholders' Meeting Conference (Transcript) - Seeking Alpha" から件の質疑応答を抜粋しますと;

Q: Unidentified Speaker

  • My name is Hannah, and I am nine years old. (inaudible) that just aren't there, like when you (inaudible) or you have some special events because you have a cold, something that I don't think is fair is when big companies try to take kids into eating foods, that isn't good for them by using toys and cartoons characters. If parents haven’t helped their kids about how to eating then the kids probably believe that junk food is a good for them because it might taste good, then they are able to keep plugging their hands to give them massive, isn't it better that so many kids of my age and younger that are getting really sick with disease like diabetes and obesity that is really fat. It will be nice if you thought kind of treat kids and providing eat your food all the time, I made cooking videos with my mom that showcase that eating healthy can be fine and yummy. The way kids going to eating (inaudible) fruits and patties makes kids healthier, smarter and happier because that is true. Mr. Thompson don't you want to kids to be healthy so they can live and happy life.

A: Don Thompson - CEO

  • Hannah, thank you very much for your question and by the way it's good to meet you upfront. Couple of things Hanna. First off, we don't sell junk food Hannah. My kids also eat McDonald’s, when they were about your size to my son who is with us was a little bit bigger, he was a football player and also they cook with me at home, I love to cook, we cook a lot of foods and veggies at home. We serve a lot of foods and veggies at McDonald’s and are trying to sell even more with the apples that we introduced into the Happy Meal, we serve different foods and different variety, I was telling you a little bit earlier about things we would like to introduce even more, there is a affinity for them like kiwi on a stick and pineapples and we serve salads and we server those for dollar on a Dollar Menu and they are very affordable. And so there's a lot of things that we've done, our chicken nugget happy meals, fat free milk, both we also just changed the chocolate factory milk we are making a lot of changes at McDonald’s and we will continue to. I think it’s really great that you want to continue eating more fruits and more vegetables. I honestly hope even more kids do. I know that as my kids came up sometimes I had to nudge them a little bit more to eat some more fruits and vegetables but they did eat quite a bit of fruits and vegetables and that's what we served in our household as well. So thanks so much for the question. Next question?


 出典: Speaking to the CEO of McDonald’s
     Rainbow Blog, 20 May 2013 (お母様による投稿)

Why Did We Speak to the CEO of McDonald’s?
  Rainbow Blog, 28 May 2013 (お母様による投稿)

天下のマックの株主総会に出席して質問出来たのは "Corporate Accountability International" なる組織の助力によるものらしい。子どもを 親のビジネス のダシに使うとは−−−と云う批判もありますが、よい勉強でしょう。嫌でもそんなシステムの中で生きていかなければならない訳ですから−−−

質疑応答そのものに関しては、私はハンナさんに100%同意。マックCEOの回答も正しいとは思うけれどそれは世界を席巻する 「自由市場至上主義」 の中だけでのハナシ、株主総会だからそれでもちろんよいのですが、ホモサピエンスとその世界の健康とは程遠い屁理屈でしかないとおもう。
