
『翻訳家 山岡朋子ファンクラブ初代会長の日記』 より移行

“Enough is Enough” ベトナムを凌駕したアフガニスタン戦争

出典: http://www.truemajority.org/aggressiveprogressive/

出典: http://rethinkafghanistan.com/

上掲写真およびそのPDFは、現地時間6月9日朝ワシントンDC発行の Politico - Wikipedia 紙28ページに掲載の全面広告です。ページのサイズは 10in X 13.5in らしい;

  • “Enough is Enough” – Brave New Foundation, TrueMajority/USAction Up the Ante in Fight to End Afghanistan War
    Posted by Robert Greenwald at 2:58 pm June 9, 2010, AlterNet

    −−−Instead of a serious effort to consider non-military solutions, what we’ve seen is a continued escalation of the war, a president who has not broken out of the military/think tank counterinsurgency bubble in Washington, and a Congress that is not taking on the administration.

    The result of this lack of courage and imagination has been three weeks of awful milestones capped by what one author called NATO’s “worst day ever in Afghanistan.” These milestones include:

    The 1,000th U.S. death in Afghanistan

    The trillionth dollar spent on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars; and

    The Afghanistan war becoming the longest war in history, supplanting Vietnam. (中略)

    These stacked-up, tragic milestones led supporters of Brave New Foundation and TrueMajority/USAction to say, “Enough is enough.” In just a few hours, they provided the funds necessary to purchase a full-page Politico ad. (以下略)
    • Politics, Policy, Political News - POLITICO

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