
『翻訳家 山岡朋子ファンクラブ初代会長の日記』 より移行

ハイチはどうなっている? その3: 援助 (寄付) のこと −− 善意がどの様に使われているか?

前回の最後に紹介しましたチョムスキー教授のインタビュー記事は The Noam Chomsky Website に掲載された Chomsky on Haiti: Aid Should Go to Haitian Popular Organizations, Not to Contractors or NGOs ですが、更にインタビューの背景やらインタビュアーの経歴なども紹介された原文を参照;

Chomsky on Haiti / Aid Should Go to Haitian Popular Organizations, Not to Contractors or NGOs
March 9, 2010, Counterpunch

  • まずチョムスキー教授の略歴に続いて; His analysis "The Tragedy of Haiti" from his 1993 book Year 501: The Conquest Continues is available for free online. (以下略) と紹介されています。この書籍全体あるいは第8章(ハイチの悲劇)は以下サイトなどで参照可。なお書籍の題名 「第501年」 は、1492+501=1993,出版年ですかね。
  • インタビュアー Keane Bhatt さんについては記事の最後に 「NY出身の活動家・ジャズミュージシャン、ドミニカ共和国在住」 と紹介されていますが;

このインタビューは2010年2月後半に電話およびEメールでなされたものとのこと、アメリカ軍のプレゼンスやらアメリカ・フランスによる過去の収奪・国家破壊などについてのコンパクトな考察となっています *1 が、記事の題名となった援助についてはインタビューの最後に述べられています;

  • −−−NC: The lessons are, unfortunately, that a small weak country that is facing an extremely hostile and very violent superpower will not make much progress unless there's a strong solidarity movement within the superpower that will restrain its actions. With more support within the United States, I think the Haitian efforts could have succeeded.

    And that applies right now. Take the aid that's coming in. There is aid coming in-we have to show we're nice people and so on. But the aid ought to be going to Haitian popular organizations. Not to contractors, not to NGOs-to Haitian popular organizations, and they're the ones that should be deciding what to do with it. Well you know, that's not the agenda of G7. They don't want popular organizations; they don't like popular movements; they don't like democracy for that matter. What they want is for the rich and powerful to run things. Well, if there was a strong solidarity movement in the United States and the world, it could change that.

このメッセージは、アメリカの外交政策に関する教授の一貫した主張です。で、援助に関してほぼ同じことを、アフガニスタンで地下活動を余儀なくされているマラライ・ジョヤさんもその著書 "A Woman Among Warlords" *2 の中で発信しています。一部を抜粋 *3 しますと;

  • from page 163

  We have another proverb in Afghanistan that says May Kabul be without gold rather than without snow. This saying refers to the importance of melt water for farming and drinking water. But today many Afghans may be thinking, May Kabul be without foreign interference, "aid" and NGOs, rather than without snow. Under every stone of Afghanistan today, if you look you will find an NGO, but most are corrupt. They are getting money in the name of reconstruction, but they are putting it in their own pockets. Unbelievably, some staff people for USAID earn as much as $22,000 a month in Afghanistan, which is 367 times more than Afghan teachers, according to Integrity Watch Afghanistan. Far too great a percentage of the total aid money from donor countries return to the donors and their citizens by way of salaries paid to consultants, subcontractors, and expatriates. Many of these consultants make as much as $250,000 per year, or two hundred times the average annual salary of an Afghan civil servant. (中略)

  For instance, in April 2008 my Defense Committee announced that money collected from donations during my tour abroad in Germany, Italy and the United States would go toward new public services in Farah. We consulted with tribal elders, and it was decided that the monies should fund the construction of a waiting area for the Civil Hospital in Farah City. With so many poor people traveling long distances to seek medical help, patiens often have to spend the night outside on the hospital's porch. I was unable to attend the ceremony at which this project was initiated, so I was rerpesented at the groundbreaking by one of my supporters. In the past, money raised abroad has supported the work of our Hamoon Clinic.

  In other cases, (以下略)

前半がNGOマフィアおよび恐らくアフガニスタンが要望したのではない高給取り (で、当然何の成果も出せない) のコンサルタントによるネコババ、後半は教授の言う "popular organizations" による資金使途の実例です。外国人駐在員の高給については、通常のビジネスでさえ、某自動車メーカーの様に進出先で叩かれる可能性 *4 があります。駐在給与の請求や支払については私自身サラリーマン時代に関わりましたからその考え方はわかるのですが、こと援助のケースでは余程良く考えないといけませんね。寄付のカネが利権を持った団体にいったん渡り、そこから現地要望を確認せず仲間内で都合のいい様に配分されてしまう、と云う実態は、結果として寄付者の善意と寄付を受ける側の期待の両方を踏みにじる行為です。上掲チョムスキー教授のインタビューの中に "−−− that there was an element of racism in believing that Haitians were going to riot and they had to be controlled and so on, but there was very little indication of that; it was very calm and quiet" と云う件がありますが、アフガニスタンやハイチのひとたちは自分達より劣る、と云う思い上がりがある。結果、現地の事情やその背景を理解しようともせず、百歩譲ってたとえ善意であったとしても無駄な押し売りをしていないか? ハイチの場合、これからの豪雨あるいはハリケーンなどで犠牲者が出た場合、一体誰が責任を取るのか? あるいはまた懲りずに新たな寄付を募って大儲けするつもり?? カネは善でも悪でもありませんが、災害復興にあたってまで 「通常のビジネス」 同様にそれを増やそうとする人間がさもしい。それを奨励する政府って一体−−−



NC: Well, you can call it a contradiction if you like, but it's also a contradiction for Sarkozy and Clinton to appear in Haiti without abject apologies for the terrible crimes that France and the U.S. under Clinton, particularly, have carried out against Haiti. But they don't do it. The head of Toyota has to go to Congress and apologize for hours because some people were killed by Toyota cars, but does Clinton have to go and apologize for what he did to Haiti? He dealt a death blow. Does Sarkozy have to apologize for the fact that Haiti was France's richest colony and a source of a lot of France's wealth and they destroyed the country and then posed an indemnity as a price for liberating themselves, which the country was never able to get out of?

*2:翻訳はどうも期待出来そうにありませんから、原文で読まれることおススメします。平易な英語で書かれておりますし、何より現場から発信されたチカラのある文章ですから。書籍はア●ゾ●などで、また E-Book もアリ。さすがに日本の図書館には無いかも。

*3:"A Woman Among Warlords", First Scribner hardcover edition October 2009, ISBN 978-1-4391-0946-5 (書籍版) より

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