
『翻訳家 山岡朋子ファンクラブ初代会長の日記』 より移行

アリゾナ州での銃乱射事件: 続報10 --- ガブリエル・ギフォーズさんの容態 その9


Word and Lyric, Giffords Labors to Speak Again
  Published: February 13, 2011, NYTimes.com


  −−−Dr. David Langer, an associate professor of neurosurgery at the Cushing Neuroscience Institutes at North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset, N.Y., who is not treating Ms. Giffords, pointed to encouraging signs.

  “She’s obviously communicating, obviously verbal,” he said. The gunshot wound, he said, “probably didn’t irreversibly damage her speech center.”

  “Until she’s really talking, giving a speech,” Dr. Langer said, “you won’t know if there’s a subtle speech problem. But it sounds like with rehabilitation, with time, she ought to be very functional.”

  The use of singing, he said, is a standard technique to help restore speech in people with brain injuries. (It is sometimes used to help treat stuttering, Dr. Langer said, citing the movie “The King’s Speech” in which King George VI sang to overcome his speech impediment.) The part of the brain that controls singing is not the same as the one that controls speech, though it is close.

  Dr. Langer also said it was good news that Ms. Giffords was walking. “People’s ultimate endpoints are often based on how rapidly they improve,” he said. “If there’s rapid progress, the recovery potential is much higher. It sounds like she hasn’t plateaued yet and is improving really quickly.”  (以下略、引用終わり)

Gabrielle Giffords Walking, Talking, Singing
  2/14/11 at 09:09 AM, New York Magazine

Congresista Giffords puede conversar y recitar canciones
  14 Febrero 2011, Cubadebate