
『翻訳家 山岡朋子ファンクラブ初代会長の日記』 より移行

英米大手メディアの胡散臭さ、 政府による露骨な嫌がらせ


ニュースの発信元はカルザイの様で、上掲CNN・CBS以外での報道も全てそれを引用していると思われますが、それ以外のニュースソースが見当たらない。事情はどうあれ本当に7歳の子どもが殺害されたのであれば、通常複数のソースがカルザイなどより先に報道する筈なのですが。いずれにせよ、昨年末自国の子どもたちが侵略軍により処刑された件をうやむやにするような為政者は信用出来ません。聞いてあきれる 「ピース・ジルガ」 の開催も結局は保身のためだけでしょう。


  • Saudi Arabia gives Israel clear skies to attack Iranian nuclear sites
    From The Times June 12, 2010

    −−−In the week that the UN Security Council imposed a new round of sanctions on Tehran, defence sources in the Gulf say that Riyadh has agreed to allow Israel to use a narrow corridor of its airspace in the north of the country to shorten the distance for a bombing run on Iran.  (以下略)

    • [http://www.asharq-e.com/news.asp?section=1&id=21277:title=Saudi Arabia Denies Airspace Story[]
      12/06/2010, Asharq Al-Awsat

      The Ambassador of The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to United Kingdom HRH Prince Mohammed bin Nawaf has categorically denied allegations circulated in British newspapers that the Kingdom has given permission to Israeli aircraft to attack Iran by flying over its territories. (以下略)
    • Saudi Arabia: We will not give Israel air corridor for Iran strike
      Published 06:24 12.06.10 / Latest update 06:24 12.06.10, Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel News

      Saudi Arabia would not allow Israeli bombers to pass through its airspace en route to a possible strike of Iran's nuclear facilities, a member of the Saudi royal family said Saturday, denying an earlier Times of London report.  (以下略)

Times Online の意図は? 単なる勘違いではなさそうなので。


  • Pentagon ‘Hunting’ WikiLeaks Founder
    by Jason Ditz, June 11, 2010, ANTIWAR.COM

    The leak was almost an afterthought for US officials, who shrugged off the killings as “out of context” and slammed WikiLeaks as “irresponsible” for releasing it. Rumors of a second video emerged, but nothing came of it.

    Now Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder, is a wanted man, though exactly what legal basis there is for holding him, assuming he is captured, is unclear. The Pentagon is out for blood, or at least a little revenge, and is trying to hunt Assange down.

    It is a far cry from last month’s farcical hassles in the Melbourne Airport, when officials told Assange his passport was being confiscated because it “looked a bit warn,” apparently in retaliation for WikiLeaks releasing a list of websites banned is Australia, a list which is itself apparently banned by the Australian government. (以下略)
