ガブリエル・ギフォーズさん、マーク・ケリーさんご夫婦 その9: 銃撃犯 終身刑の判決
⇒ 直近関連記事
ロイター 11月9日(金)10時31分配信
US lawmaker's shooter gets 7 life sentences: media
08 Nov 2012, LOS ANGELES (AFP)
引用先記事: Giffords faces Ariz. shooter in court, Loughner receives life sentence (+video)
Reuters / November 8, 2012 @ CSMonitor.com
−−−Giffords did not speak. Her husband, retired astronaut Mark Kelly, spoke on her behalf. / "You may have put a bullet through her head, but you haven't put a dent in her spirit and her commitment to make the world a better place," Kelly told him, with Giffords standing at his side as she impassively faced her assailant. (以下略、引用終わり)