
『翻訳家 山岡朋子ファンクラブ初代会長の日記』 より移行

米州 自然災害 Watch その9: 2011年9月10日

歴史的 (統計的?) に9月10日は大西洋側ハリケーンシーズンの折り返し点だそうです。一方、地震多発地帯ではありますが、カナダのバンクーバー島ではM6.4の地震発生;


   2011 September 09 19:41:34 UTC

 Message pacific.2011.09.09.194622
   09 Sep 2011 19:46 UTC, PTWC

    Warning, Watch, ETAs / Obs 共に none.

 Magnitude-6.4 earthquake rattles Vancouver Island
   Sep. 10, 2011 (JST) by The Canadian Press thru Yahoo! News

   −−−There were no immediate reports of damage and no tsunami warning. (以下略、引用終わり)

 カナダのバンクーバー島で地震 津波の心配なし
   CNN.co.jp 9月10日(土)10時51分配信


  個別のハリケーン・TS情報は、 昨日の記事 から大きな変化があれば掲載。

 Saturday Marks Peak of Hurricane Season
   Sep 9, 2011; 2:10 PM ET, AccuWeather.com

   −−−September 10th marks the date when the frequency of tropical systems reaches a maximum in the Atlantic Basin. / One main reason is that ocean water temperatures are at their warmest this time of year, even though summer started nearly three months ago. / The lag between the first day of summer and when the ocean is at its warmest is due to water's ability to retain heat. Even though incoming radiation from the sun has been decreasing since late June, the heat retained by the ocean continues to exceed the heat lost until early September. (以下略、引用終わり)