
『翻訳家 山岡朋子ファンクラブ初代会長の日記』 より移行

ハイチはどうなっている? その29: 冗談だろ? その2

帰国した殺人者を3日で追い返せるか見ておりましたがとんでもない、 『祖国』 に居座るつもりらしい。それも 『安泰』 に−−−;

Lawyer: Duvalier plans to remain in Haiti
  Jan 20, 2011 Associated Press via Yahoo! News

  −−−"He is free to do whatever he wants, go wherever he wants," Georges said of the once-feared strongman, known as "Baby Doc." "It is his right to live in his country ... He is going to stay. It is his country." (以下略、引用終わり)


Haiti's democracy in the balance
  Canada Haiti Action Network

  −−−But behind the scenes, the US state department and the French foreign ministry have been ratcheting up the pressure on the impoverished, earthquake-wrecked and cholera-stricken country of Haiti. The pressure is not to prosecute the dictator for his atrocities, as human rights groups such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have recommended. The pressure is to force the government of Haiti to accept the decision of the United States and France as to who should be allowed to compete in the second round of Haiti's presidential election. (以下略、引用終わり)

   『臨時選管』 を通じた某国の肝いりで昨年強行された選挙のインチキおよびその手法が説明されています。

What's driving 'Baby Doc' Duvalier's return from exile?
  Globe and Mail, Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2011

  −−−One hypothesis suggests that Mr. Préval orchestrated Mr. Duvalier’s return, either to shift the spotlight away from the presidential election stalemate or to assert his power. (中略)

  Another theory links Mr. Duvalier’s return to the political fortunes of Michel Martelly, a presidential candidate who has laid claim to a place on the runoff ballot and whose entourage includes some Duvalier supporters. (中略)

  “The truth is everybody’s got their hands filled with so many things, there are fewer people able to pursue him,” he (注: = Mr. Brian Concannon, director of the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti) said. (記事終わり、引用終わり)


Did Baby Doc Duvalier Return to Haiti to Pressure Préval in the Election?
  January 19, 2011, DEMOCRACY NOW !
  Guest: Kim Ives, editor of Haiti Liberté.

Duvalier en libertad tras prestar declaración a fiscalía haitiana
  18 Enero 2011, Cubadebate

  El ex dictador haitiano Jean Claude Duvalier, conocido popularmente como ‘Baby Doc’, ha sido puesto en libertad tras prestar declaración en el Palacio de Justicia de Puerto Príncipe por la supuesta comisión de los delitos de corrupción, robo y apropiación indebida de fondos públicos durante su mandato (1971-1986), según informó uno de sus abogados. (以下略、引用終わり)

   "declaración en el Palacio de Justicia de Puerto Príncipe" とは具体的に何だったのか? 『汚職やら公金横領につき、身に覚えはありません』 の言葉だけでしょう。それより国民虐殺やら人権蹂躙の罪はどこへ行ったのか?


No Passport for Aristide
  Canada Haiti Action Network

  Lawyer: Haiti mum on Aristide passport request
    The Associated Press, Wednesday, January 19, 2011; 11:30 AM @ washingtonpost.com

  Haïti - Politique : Le gouvernement haïtien refuse de renouveler le passeport d’Aristide
    18/01/2011 17:03:49, HaitiLibre.com


デュバリエ親子の 『懐かしき統治時代』 については;

Los Duvalier: Compendio de violaciones de los Derechos Humanos (+ Fotos y Video)
  18 Enero 2011, Cubadebate

我が将軍様は中国に対して 『人権』 の改善を求めたそうですが−−−テメエはどうなんだ、と呆れるばかり。