
『翻訳家 山岡朋子ファンクラブ初代会長の日記』 より移行

オバマの戦争 Watch その18: アフガニスタンへの増派についてマラライ・ジョヤさんのコメント

オバマ新政権の軍事政策 Watch】 のタイトルをそのものズバリに変えて続けることにします。まず、12月1日オバマがウェストポイントの米国陸軍士官学校で行った演説について;


    • "The people of Afghanistan are fed up with the occupation of their country and with the corrupt, Mafia-state of Hamid Karzai and the warlords and drug lords backed by NATO.... It is clear now that the real motive of the U.S. and its allies, hidden behind the so-called “war on terror,” was to convert Afghanistan into a military base in Central Asia and the capital of the world’s opium drug trade. Ordinary Afghan people are being used in this chess game, and western taxpayers’ money and the blood of soldiers is being wasted on this agenda that will only further destabilize the region....

      I offer my condolences to the families here who have lost their loved ones. (They) are the victims of the wrong policy of your government. The families of Afghan civilians killed in this war share your feelings of loss. If we turn these sorrows into strength, we can end this war. Bringing the troops home at the end of 2011 is too late; the troops should be withdrawn as soon as possible, before more Afghan and American lives are needlessly lost."
    • "As I write these words, Afghanistan is getting progressively worse. We are caught between two enemies: the Taliban on one side and US/NATO forces and their warlord hirelings on the other.... Obama's military build up will only bring more suffering and death to innocent civilians.... I hope that the lessons in this book will reach President Obama and his policymakers in Washington, and warn them that the people of Afghanistan reject their brutal occupation and their support of the warlords and druglords."
    • "While the United States bombed from the sky, the CIA and special forces had already arrived in the northern provinces of Afghanistan to hand out millions of dollars in cash and weapons to Northern Alliance commanders. They were the same extremists whose militias had pillaged Afghanistan during the civil war: Dostum, Sayyaf, Khalili, Rhabbani, Fahim, General Arif, Dr. Abdullah, Haji Qadir, Ustad Atta, Mohammad, Daoud, and Hazrat Ali among others. ...Fahim, another ruthless man with a dark past. The western media tried at the time to portray these warlords as "anti-Taliban resistance forces and liberators of Afghanistan," but in fact Afghan people believed they were no better than the Taliban."
    • "Most people in the west have been led to believe that intolerance, brutality, and severe oppression of women in Afgahnistan began with the Taliban regime. But this is a lie, more dust in the eyes of the world from the warlords who dominate the American-backed, so-called democratic government of Hamid Karzai. In truth, some of the worst atrocities in our recent past were committed during the civil war by the men who are now in power."
    • "Some people say that when the troops withdraw, a civil war will break out. Often this prospect is raised by people who ignore the vicious conflict and humanitarian disaster that is already occurring in Afghanistan. The longer the foreign troops stay in Afghanistan, the worse the eventual civil war will be for the Afghan people. The terrible civil war that followed the Soviet withdrawal certainly could never justify... the destruction and death caused by that decade-long occupation. ...Today we live under the shadow of the gun with the most corrupt and unpopular government in the world."
  • http://www.malalaijoya.com/dcmj/joya-in-media/151-malalai-joya-and-the-tale-of-2-cnns.html
    Malalai Joya and the Tale of 2 CNNs
    Eric Garris, Antiwar.com, October 28, 2009

    ※ このサイトは Defence Committee for Malalai Joya のものですが、参考までオリジナルの Antiwar サイトの記事リンクも紹介します。投稿されたコメントが見られますが、最初の動画のリンクが切れています; ⇒ http://www.antiwar.com/blog/2009/10/28/malalai-joya-and-the-tale-of-2-cnns/#at

    最初の動画はCNN−USのものですが、見るからに勝気なヤンキー娘が自分の望むコメントが得られないため一方的に遮る、大変失礼なもの。2つ目は同じCNNですが International 版(ワシントン発?)のもの、こちらはマラライさんの意見をきちんと引き出していると思います。(インタビュアーの英語が英國っぽい様な気も−−−)

以下紹介の The Real News (Wikipedia EN) のインタビュー2件ではマラライさんの発言がより多く聴けます;

  • Title: Malalai Joya: All foreign troops should get out of Afghanistan now

  • Title: A woman among warlords Pt.2

英語版ウィキペディアでマラライさんがミャンマー民主化シンボルの某女性と比べられているのは、名誉なことに見えるかも知れませんが少々残念。知名度は後者の方が抜群に高いものの、実績がが伴っていません。「西側の傀儡」 や 「七光り」 と呼ばれても仕方がない。マラライさんがどこでどの様に外国語である英語を学ばれたのか存じませんが、信念と発言の全てが経験に裏打ちされているから揺らがずに対応出来るのでしょう。チョムスキー教授がわざわざ紹介する理由がわかる様な気がします。

アメリカや 「国際社会」 がアフガニスタンに自由をもたらすなんて、とんでもない思い上がり・ひとりよがりです。かなり乱暴なことは承知で云うなら、アメリカなんて建国たかだか233年 (=2009−1776) 、一方アフガニスタンは紀元前から存在 (アケメネス朝の支配下にあった頃から歴史が始まるとすれば) する国です。国土や歴史や宗教や文化など諸々の背景を全部すっ飛ばして 「米国はさまざまな国の独特の文化や伝統に敬意を払いながらも、常に人類共通の思いの代弁者になる。(オバマ大統領ノーベル平和賞受賞演説から)」 なんて、自惚れるなと言いたいですね。いい迷惑。おまけに平気でひとを殺すのだから始末に負えない。