
『翻訳家 山岡朋子ファンクラブ初代会長の日記』 より移行

2017年2月天体ショー; 月食、彗星、日食

← 2012年5月21日 (月) 金環日食のこと 〜走る凶器と網膜症に注意 ! / 2012-05-19 ← 2016年3月9日; 部分日食 ♪ / 2016-02-18 ← 2015年 日本で見られる唯一の皆既月食; 4月4日(土) / 2015-03-12



    •  日食
    •  Solar eclipse
       In a total eclipse, the disk of the Sun is fully obscured by the Moon.
       In partial and annular eclipses, only part of the Sun is obscured.

  •  Annular vs. Total Solar Eclipse - What’s The Difference? | Video
     VideoFromSpace, 2017/02/25 に公開

月食 + 彗星 + Snow Moon (2月の満月)】

  •  Full moon, lunar eclipse and comet could be visible Friday night
     NBC4 WCMH-TV Columbus, 2017/02/09 に公開
  •  Full moon
     The individual names given in Farmers' Almanac include: February: "Snow Moon", also "Hunger Moon"

      • Full Moon Names and Their Meanings - Farmers' Almanac
         Full Snow Moon – February Since the heaviest snow usually falls during this month, native tribes of the north and east most often called February’s full Moon the Full Snow Moon. Some tribes also referred to this Moon as the Full Hunger Moon, since harsh weather conditions in their areas made hunting very difficult.
