シリア内戦Watch; その17 〜 シリア国民だけが蚊帳の外 G8開幕
⇒ シリア内戦Watch; その16 〜 イラク侵略の二の舞 −−− いつか来た道
※ 夏時間であるUKの現在時刻は日本時刻マイナス8時間。日本の方が、8時間進んでいます。
真っ先に内戦激化の犠牲となるシリア国民だけが蚊帳の外、介入する西側の人道的正義?、民主主義?? どれだけ殺せば気が済むか。
- Western military intervention will leave Syria in permanent ruins say two former Nato secretary generals
14 June 2013, Stop the War Coalition
- The lies about Syria that Obama and Cameron tell on the road to catastrophic regional war
17 June 2013, Stop the War Coalition
- Without support, UN reports civilians hit hardest in Syrian rebellion
Posted on Thursday, June 13, 2013, McClatchy
※ 国連の発表数は例によって相当恣意的なものらしい。この記事は上掲 6/17 付け記事中で言及されたもの。
- Without support, UN reports civilians hit hardest in Syrian rebellion
米英仏はG8 (日程などは記事末尾) で反政府勢力への武器供給のお墨付きをもらいたいらしいが、そもそもアサド政権による化学兵器使用の事実が確認出来ないこと、内戦激化・泥沼化および武器拡散を防ぐ手立てが無いことなどから水面下での交渉が続いている様子。そこへ軍事ヲタク政権の馬鹿が 「同盟の証」 手土産とアベノスキャンダルを引っ提げて颯爽と乗り込む −−− 頼むから日本の名前は出さないで、ジミントーの名と全責任でやってくれ。恥ずかしい以前に、おぞましいから;
◆Press conference: the Prime Minister and President Vladimir Putin
Published:16 June 2013, Inside Government - GOV.UK
◆Syria crisis set to dominate G8 summit
guardian.co.uk, Monday 17 June 2013 08.33 BST
◆G8 summit: Politics live blog
guardian.co.uk, Monday 17 June 2013 14.23 BST
◆'Don't give guns to Al Qaeda thugs:' Boris Johnson's stark warning to world leaders as they arrive for G8 deeply divided over Syria
UPDATED: 13:27 GMT, 17 June 2013, Mail Online
◆Nick Clegg: arming Syrian rebels is not the right thing to do now
guardian.co.uk, Sunday 16 June 2013 11.24 BST
◆Syria crisis: David Cameron and Vladimir Putin to meet for talks
guardian.co.uk, Sunday 16 June 2013 10.33 BST
◆Syria no-fly zone would violate international law, says Russia
guardian.co.uk, Saturday 15 June 2013 12.11 BST
◆US looks to G8 summit to build consensus over Syria
The Guardian, Saturday 15 June 2013
The abyss opens in Syria as Tony Blair joins the cheerleaders calling for full-scale war
Stop the War Coalition, 15 June 2013
Blair: Syria’s rebels want democracy; help arm them
06/15/2013 12:27, JPost Israel News
※ この馬鹿は相変わらず。早く戦犯として裁かれる日が来ることを祈るばかり。
Foreign Secretary welcomes US assessment of chemical weapon use by Assad
Press release, 14 June 2013 Press releases - Inside Government (UK)
イラク開戦時同様の 「証拠ねつ造疑惑」 に関しては;
トランスクリプト: Patrick Cockburn on U.S. Plans to Arm Syrian Rebels: Where is the Skepticism About Chemical Weapons?
Friday, June 14, 2013, Democracy Now !
Patrick Cockburn
⇒ Patrick Cockburn - The Independent
◆A decade has passed since the invasion of Iraq, but the debate goes on
Thursday 13 June 2013
◆U.S. ‘Assessment’: Assad Used Chemical Weapons
Posted on Jun 14, 2013, Truthdig
◆Syria chemical weapons - no questions asked
Last modified: 15 Jun 2013 01:04, Al Jazeera Blogs
◆UN skeptical of US drums on Syria chemical arms
06/14/2013 20:15, JPost Israel News
◆Syria and Chemical Weapons: What Do We Know?
Jun 14 2013, Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting, Inc. (FAIR) Blog
◆Don't repeat Iraq mistake in Syria, Russia warns America
AFP | Jun 14, 2013, 08.25 PM IST via The Times of India
◆Russia dismisses US claims of Syrian chemical weapons use
guardian.co.uk, Friday 14 June 2013 14.29 BST
◆Moscow unconvinced by US evidence of Syrian chemical weapons use
Published time: June 14, 2013 10:05 - Edited time: June 14, 2013 12:56, RT News
◆The real reason Obama is going to war with Syria has nothing to do with chemical weapons
Counterpunch, 13 June 2013 via Stop the War Coalition
◆Regional bloodbath beckons as US declares war and Iran plans to send troops to Syria
The Independent, 16 June 2013 via Stop the War Coalition
◆UN anti-Syria resolution biased: Russian Foreign Ministry
◆Sarah Palin on Syria: “Let Allah sort it out”
Sunday, Jun 16, 2013 10:53 PM +0900, Salon.com
Obama stresses kids' needs for dads' presence
15 Jun 2013, WASHINGTON (AFP)
※ いい気なものです。自分達の手で何人の 「父親」 を殺しているか考えたこともないでしょうね。他国の非戦闘員のみならず兵隊さん、自国の兵隊さん −−−
US arms will lead to ‘uncontrolled sectarian violence’ in Syria
Published time: June 15, 2013 09:36, RT Op-Edge
※ これはアフガニスタン・イラク・リビアなどでも同じ。アメリカは何も学んでいないワケではなく、その儲けの大きさが病みつきになって抜けられないのでしょう。
読売新聞 6月15日(土)12時39分配信
CIA preparing to deliver rebels arms through Turkey and Jordan
Saturday, June 15, 9:39 AM, The Washington Post
※ 今までもやっていたことを、大手を振ってやれるようになっただけのこと。
Syrian opposition representative: "We need tanks, air jets..." (1:26)
Video Reuters.com
※ テロリストの真の望みは西側の全面参戦。それが無理ならWMDを要求し兼ねない。
時事通信 6月15日(土)10時21分配信
◆As the US wants to arm 'nice Syrian rebels' we must remind ourselves that weapons are not just guns. They are about money
Friday 14 June 2013, By Robert Fisk, The Independen
◆Syria: Why Is the Nonviolent Opposition Being Ignored?
June 14th, 2013, PopularResistance.Org
Syria: Pros and Cons
Posted on 14 June 2013, War Is A Crime.org
※ サイト名に比して言っていることは随分エゲつなく傲慢。 "Syria is not Libya. A lot more people are going to die, and we do not want those images except in one key case. We want the death of Assad on every television. And we want it from a bomb, not a night raid. We want to justify the killing of tens of thousands through the killing of someone so demonized that his killing justifies all killing." 、テメェら一体何様だ、と言いたい。 "someone so demonized that his killing justifies all killing" が自国の大統領を指すならハナシは別ですがね。
Carney: Obama 'welcomes' advice from Bill Clinton on Syria
06/13/13 01:30 PM ET, The Hill's Video
−−−the president and his team "have to make the decisions they believe are in the best interests of the United States." (以下略、引用終わり)
※ 結局アメリカの国益が全て。シリア国民がどれだけ死のうと知った事では無い。
◆Syria, American expert warns
June 13, 2013, 9:07 pm, The Times of Israel
◆Intervention Temptation
6.13.13 @ 6:08AM, The American Spectator
貧すりゃ鈍する下衆な 「元 先進国」 の寄り合いは;
39th G8 summit
■ UK Presidency of G8 2013
■ UK Presidency of G7 2013