
『翻訳家 山岡朋子ファンクラブ初代会長の日記』 より移行

今度は某大阪市長の放言; 四面楚歌と思うが、どう収拾するつもりか?

やれ 『「欧米が、やってきたことを棚に上げて、日本だけを批判するのはずるいと言いたい」「日本だけが不当に侮辱をされるものではない」』 やら 『<慰安婦発言>米に批判され「光栄だ」』 と得意げな某タレント弁護士市長さん、 『「軍と売春というのはつきもので、歴史の原理みたいなもの」』 とのたまう某ボケ老人、 『相次ぐ「慰安婦」非難決議 暗躍する反日韓国系』 とホザく某タニマチメディア。


  XINHUA.JP 5月20日(月)13時11分配信

  −−−同委員会はこれまでにも慰安婦問題について討議し、日本が性の奴隷、暴力の被害者に対して必要な賠償を行っていないと認定している。橋下氏の言論について同委員会は、日本政府官僚が審議の場で説明するよう要請することができる。 (以下略、引用終わり)


Committee Against Torture - Wikipedia

   日本語記事 は目を覆いたくなるレベル−−− 関心の低さか。

OHCHR - Committee against Torture - 50th session


   The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan (The Korean Council)


   Women's Active Museum on War and Peace (WAM)

また、 "Core documents and States reports" 中、 Comfort women / 慰安婦 に関して以下記載あり;

  • Reply to the issues raised in paragraph 19 of the list of issues

    158. Japan has humbly accepted the fact that it caused substantial damage and pain to people in many countries, particularly in Asian countries, by colonial rule and invasion, and has expressed its feelings of deep remorse and feelings of sincere apology in the past. In addition, since the war, Japan has consistently refrained from becoming a military power and has firmly maintained the position of solving any problems in a peaceful manner.

    159. The Government of Japan is aware that the comfort women issue is an issue that has been a grave affront to many women’s honor and dignity, and has expressed feelings of sincere apology and remorse to former comfort women through the issuance of a letter from the Prime Minister and in a speech by the Chief Cabinet Secretary (1993).

    160. As the issues of compensation, property and the right to claim have already been legally solved in relation to the parties to a convention, the Murayama Cabinet determined that it was appropriate to take action through the “Asian Women’s Fund”, which was established through the cooperation of Japanese citizens and the government, in order to aim at a realistic remedy for former comfort women who had already grown old. Subsequently, the government has been providing maximum cooperation for the Fund’s projects, including medical/welfare services for former comfort women and the payment of “atonement money.”

    161. The said Fund was dissolved as of the end of March 2007 as a result of coordination with related countries. However, the government intends to continue to make the maximum efforts to gain the understanding of Japanese citizens on this issue, which was shown through the projects of the said Fund. Thus the government continues to follow up on the projects of the said Fund. Specifically, in South Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines and Indonesia, which were covered by the said Fund, the government has entrusted the provision of visiting care (South Korea, Taiwan, and the Philippines) and group counseling (South Korea) for former comfort women to persons related to the former Asian Women’s Fund and has conducted meetings with government officials and academia (Indonesia and the Philippines). In addition, the government has provided support for the holding of the “ASEAN+3 Human Security Symposium on Women and Poverty Eradication” in order to deal with contemporary issues relating to women.


Maverick Japanese mayor confuses prostitution with sex slavery
  Monday, 20 May, 2013 [Updated: 1:52AM, South China Morning Post

Lawmaker condemns Japanese mayor's comments on WWII 'comfort women'
  05/15/13 12:03 PM ET, The Hill's Floor Action Blog

Japan mayor says "comfort women" -- WWII forced prostitutes -- were necessary to "maintain discipline"
  AP/ May 14, 2013, 8:50 AM @ CBS News

Women Forced Into WWII Brothels Served Necessary Role, Osaka Mayor Says
  Published: May 13, 2013, NYTimes.com
