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ロヒンギャ 人権問題 〜 ビルマ・バングラディシュ 他

   スー・チーさん 大丈夫? (2012年6月18・19日加筆)
   いつまで経っても 欧米かいらいから脱皮出来ないスーチーさん

根が深く解決の糸口さえ見出せないこの問題に関し、しびれを切らした同胞イスラム世界 (スンナ派シーア派にかかわらず) が動き出しています。私自身の断片的な知識の整理も兼ねてまとめてみると;


 この集団の定義 (エスニシティ) に関しては議論がある様ですが、 ロヒンギャ語 を話し、主にムスリムスンナ派Islam in Myanmar - Wikipedia) であることが共通と言えそう。 現在全世界で100万人を超えるのは確か、主な定住国 (国籍がどうなっているかは不明) はビルマ・サウジ・タイ・マレーシアの4ヶ国らしい。

   ロヒンギャ - Wikipedia
   Rohingya people - Wikipedia

   Rohingya of Myanmar (Burma) Ethnic People Profile



 正確な人口把握は出来ていない様で資料によりまちまちですが、ビルマ国内に居住の70〜120万人 (しかしすごい誤差) のロヒンギャが 「非国民」 としてあからさまに差別され、支配集団の仏教徒ビルマ族から弾圧され、隣国バングラディシュに難を逃れた20万人強は不法移民扱いされ、他国からも受け入れを拒否されており、結果として世界で最も迫害されたエスニック・グループと認識されている。2012年6月からの暴動により改めて世界中の注目を浴びることに。

     2012 Rakhine State riots - Wikipedia
     Persecution of Muslims in Myanmar - Wikipedia
     Rohingya massacres - Wikipedia

  Report blasts Myanmar treatment of Rohingya
    Last Modified: 01 Aug 2012 18:58, Al Jazeera English

  Rohingya lives lost in limbo
    August 1, 2012 - 15:52, Al Jazeera Blogs

  UN envoy in Myanmar amid threat of ethnic cleansing against Muslims
    Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:56PM GMT, PRESSTV


    元記事Why is the world ignoring Myanmar's Rohingya?
      Last Modified: 23 Jul 2012 09:43, Al Jazeera English

  Rohingyas recount terror of Burma clashes
    BBC News @ Rohingya Muslim Organization,Arakan,Burma(R.M.O.), Monday, July 23, 2012

  IHH report outlines plight of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar
    On Line: 23 July 2012 15:29, Tehran Times (イラン)



  Muslim states urged to act over massacre of Rohingyas in Myanmar
    Fri Aug 3, 2012 2:29PM GMT, PRESSTV

  CAIR (=Council on American-Islamic Relations) Asks Myanmar, Bangladesh to Protect Rohingya Muslims
    Posted on August 02, 2012 at 15:22 PM EDT. @ PR Newswire

  ミャンマー宗教対立、拡大 イスラム教国に飛び火 パキスタン「迫害」を非難
    産経新聞 8月2日(木)7時55分配信

  Dhaka bans NGOs from helping Rohingya
    Last Modified: 02 Aug 2012 08:55, Al Jazeera English

  Act Now for Burmese Muslims!
    Published: 02/08/2012 03:16:02 PM GMT @ IslamOnline

  Killing Muslims in Myanmar aims to counter Islam: Iran cleric
    Fri Jul 27, 2012 11:39AM GMT, PRESSTV

  Iran ready to send aid workers to help Myanmar Rohingyas: IRCS spokesman
    Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:56PM GMT, PRESSTV

  Who cares for Myanmar’s Muslims?
    Thursday 19 July 2012, ArabNews (サウジ)




  Suu Kyi makes first parliamentary speech
    Last Modified: 25 Jul 2012 11:24, Al Jazeera English

 立法措置はよいとして、目の前の問題をどう解決するのか? たらたらと議論などしているヒマなど無い、放っておけば同胞救助のジハードの名目での馬鹿なテロがあり得るし、死神婆率いる壊し屋は中国との関係から介入出来ないであろうにしても、国内が荒れてしまい、泥沼の宗教戦争に拡大しかねない。

  Myanmar’s Suu Kyi under fire for silence on Rohingya massacre
    Fri Jul 27, 2012 8:3AM GMT, PRESSTV

 ロヒンギャがスーチーさんを頼るのはその手腕に期待してと云うより、「ビルマ建国の父」 でありスーチーさんの父上でもある アウンサン将軍 が1946年に明言した約束があるからでしょう;

出典: Denying Rohingya as an Indigenous Race of Myanmar is Insulting Buddhism, Historians, and Democracy
    Jul-29-2012 19:38 @ Salem-News.Com

  • Burmese Government and Rohingya

During the General Aung San’s unification trip to Akyab in 1946, he promised the Rohingya community full indigenous rights.

The former Prime Minister of Burma, U Nu, in a speech over Radio Rangoon at 8.00 pm on 25 September 1954, confirmed Rohingya’s existence.

Again the Burmese Defense Minister and Prime Minister U Ba Swe at mass rallies for the people of Buthidaung and Maungdaw on the 3rd and 4th November 1959 said:

  • “The Rohingyas are equal in every way with other minority races like the Shan, Chin, Kachin, Kayin, Kayah, Mon, and Rakhaine. They have lived in Myanmar Naing Ngan for ages, accordingly to historical facts. They are of the Islamic faith. There is historical evidence that they have lived faithfully and harmoniously with other races of the Union. ”

On September 25, 1960 Prime Minister of Burma U Nu announced on national radio that the Rohingyas of Arakan are one of the ethnic races of Burma.

The permission to form the ‘University Rohingya Students Association’ by Dean of Students, University of Rangoon in 1959-60 and 1960-61 academic years respectively. (Foreign students are not allowed to form association under Burmese Universities Act.)

The speech of Deputy Chief of Army Brigadier General Aung Gyi, The New Light of Myanmar Daily, July 8, 1961 showed Rohingya’s authenticity.

Khit Yee Journal, Vol. l2, No.6, July 18, 1961 published by Defence Ministry of Burma mentioned Rohingya’s existence language program, along with other indigenous races, was allowed to broadcast from Burma Broadcasting Service from May 1961 to March 1965.

An article on Rohingya in Burmese Encyclopedia, 1964, Vol. 9 page 89 published by General Ne Win Government.

The High School Geography of Burma, Ministry of Education 1978, indicated the settlement of minorities in a map where North Arakan was shown as Rohingya area.

 で、これがいつ反故になったか? 上掲 ウィキペディア によれば 『1982年 「市民権法」でベンガル族を除くムスリムロヒンギャ)を非国民として規定。』 、上に引用の記事から再度関連部分を引用すると;


  • Who divided these two brothers, Rohingya and Rakhine

Dictators: Burma's first dictator, Ne Win (日本名「高杉晋、とんでもない名前) , engineered citizenship laws to justify the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Rohingya -- a policy he proposed in the wake of the mass expulsion of Indians in the 1960s and a ban on Muslims joining the army and government. This was an ideological crusade led by a notorious xenophobe who orchestrated Burma's retreat into isolation and economic ruin. That the pro-democracy forces now call for similar measures against the Rohingya has merely helped to rekindle his legacy. (Francis Wade is a freelance journalist and analyst covering Burma and south-east Asia )

Awakyunetha: There is a lot of Rakhine Buddhists living in Sundarbons and Bomang state of Bangladesh. After independence, thousands of Rakhines from Bangladesh entered into Rakhine State, and got identity cards. When Rakhine was promoted to Rakhine State, number of Rakhine illegal immigrants increased dramatically .Local original Rakhine call those illegal immigrants Awakyunetha; their monasteries are separated from local Rakhines’, as their accent of dialect and behaviors differ from local , native Rakhine hate their attitude. Some of native Rakhine openly opposed Awakyunetha’s attitude ; Saya Tha Zan Maung, Saya Saw Aung, and Captain Htun Kyaw Oo. Captain Htun Kyaw Oo was sentenced 20 years jail when he wrote Rohingya are indigenous race of Arakan by dictator. Among the Rakhine Buddhists whoever deny existence of Rohingya is Awakyunetha like Dr. Aye Chan, Dr. Aye Kyaw, and Dr. Aye Maung. When Awakyunethas got chances for leadership, they used Buddhism to unify all Rakhine, encouraged people not to use the word Awakyuneth but there are Awakyunetha monasteries. In Myanmar, monastery is a safe place for all criminals; to be a monk is an easy job, shave head, and wear monk dress, every Buddhist should worships him even he is a criminal because of his dress, Awakyunetha use Buddhist monasteries effectively.

General Khin Nyunt and President Thein Sein are two famous actors in Myanmar modern politics, listening their speeches, angels may bow down in respect, discovering their deeds, devils may feel ashamed that they are worse than devils. They have been using Awakyunetha for their benefits ,in return they denounced Rohingya’s existence in order to get Awakyunetha’s support.


 Myanmar citizenship for Rohingya will end killings
   July 17, 2012 1:00 am, The Nation (タイ)

