
『翻訳家 山岡朋子ファンクラブ初代会長の日記』 より移行

ハイチはどうなっている? その20: 選挙もどきが終わって−−− (随時更新)

お祭り騒ぎは何とか終了した模様。一体ナンボのカネが浪費されたのでしょう? 使い途を誤っていますね;

Haiti vote chaos continues
  Last Modified: 29 Nov 2010 06:55 GMT, Al Jazeera English

  −−−Our Latin America editor said that it is "very likely that this will go to a second round because none of the 18 presidential candidates will have been able to score the necessary 50 per cent plus one vote to win in a first round."

   決選投票?いつ出来るのか?選挙人名簿が整備されておらず、票の有効・無効さえ判断出来ない状況で得票率もクソもないでしょう。それに決選投票の候補をどうやって選ぶのか? 百万歩譲って決選投票が出来たとして、接戦になれば 「先進国」 でさえ不正だの不備だのが大きくクローズアップされるし。更に、アメリカ様の御眼鏡に適わない候補が勝ったら、また拉致されてアフリカあたりに幽閉されますよ。 (あ、そんなのはCEPが事前にアメリカ様と相談のうえ、候補として認定していないから大丈夫か。その意味では候補者や政党の認定も大問題。)

Haiti: chaos wins the elections
  Submitted by Weekly News Update on Mon, 11/29/2010 - 08:06, World War 4 Report

  −−−Many people couldn't find their names on the lists in their usual polling places, although they often saw the names of friends and relatives who had died in the quake. Other problems resulted from fraud or partisan politics. At a station in Cap-Haïtien in the north, voters said the ballot boxes were filled with votes for candidates of the Unity party of President René Préval. Two people were killed in confrontations in Aquin, a community near Les Cayes in South department. (以下略)

Haiti candidates denounce election
  Last Modified: 28 Nov 2010 21:45 GMT, Al Jazeera English

  Nearly all of the major candidates in Haiti's presidential election have called for the country's election to be scrapped amid allegations of fraud and reports that large numbers of voters were turned away from polling stations throughout the nation.

  Twelve of the 18 candidates endorsed a joint statement denouncing Sunday's voting as fraudulent and called on their supporters to show their anger with demonstrations against the government and the country's Provisional Electoral Council (CEP). (以下略)

   馬っ鹿じゃあねぇの、はじめからわかっていたことではないか? で、またやり直し選挙もどきでもやるつもりか?

Doce candidatos piden anular comicios Haití
  28 Noviembre 2010, 8:11 PM, ElNacional.com.do (東の隣国ドミニカ共和国


Sign the Petition: MINUSTAH Must Leave Haiti!

  Unity Ayiti