トランプ・バッシング あるいは 反トランプ・ポピュリズム その3; ロシアゲート
← トランプ・バッシング あるいは 反トランプ・ポピュリズム その2; ハリウッド版 / 2017-03-01 | ← トランプ・バッシング あるいは 反トランプ・ポピュリズム; 懲りない米大手メディア / 2017-02-06 | List of scandals with "-gate" suffix |
バッシングは続く −−−
- Trump calls special counsel Russia probe 'greatest witch hunt' in U.S. history
Fri May 19, 2017 | 12:01am BST, Reuters U.K.Edition
- Exclusive: Trump campaign had at least 18 undisclosed contacts with Russians - sources
Thu May 18, 2017 | 1:43pm BST, Reuters U.K.Edition
- Exclusive: Trump campaign had at least 18 undisclosed contacts with Russians - sources
- Putin offers to release Trump-Lavrov meeting transcript
17 May 2017 19:29 GMT, Al Jazeera
- Donald Trump defends sharing 'facts' with Russia
17 May 2017, Al Jazeera
- Donald Trump defends sharing 'facts' with Russia
- ロシアゲート、米政府内でリーク合戦 トランプ氏に反発
2017/5/17 22:57日本経済新聞 電子版
- 米大統領、イスラム国に関する機密情報をロシアに提供=当局者
2017年 05月 16日 14:40 JST、ロイター
※ IS打倒で共同戦線張っているなら情報共有するのは当然。アメリカがISを産み・育て・操っていることをバラしたことが問題だと言うなら −−− そんなことは周知の事実だろうから今更無価値。要はトランプを引きずり下ろしたいだけ。
- Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
2017/05/15, The Washington Post
- Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
- Report: Russiagate Is Really About Shutting Down WikiLeaks
May 18, 2017, Your News Wire
- Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange Accuses James Clapper Of Perjury During Russiagate Congressional Testimony
May 8, 2017, The Inquisitr.com
- Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange Accuses James Clapper Of Perjury During Russiagate Congressional Testimony
'Russiagate' -- National Security Threat...Or Just Politics?
RonPaulLibertyReport, 2017/05/16 にライブ配信
- How Did Russiagate Start?
2017-05-15 T16:58:00.000Z, Rolling Stone
- How Comey, Russiagate fallout could ruin Trump and crush the markets
Thursday, 11 May 2017 | 11:26 AM ET, CNBC International
- Trump's firing of Comey isn't likely to end well for Trump
May 9, 2017, 11:38 PM, Business Insider
- Will Russiagate Become Obamagate?
April 13, 2017 @ 12:04 am, The American Conservative
- The Real Russiagate: Obama’s Stasi State — Michael Hudson and Paul Craig Roberts
April 3, 2017, PaulCraigRoberts.org
- 'Russiagate' Is Failing And Its Supporters Are Getting Concerned
Created 03/31/2017 - 20:48, Zero Hedge
- Russiagate: What kind of scandal?
Updated 1211 GMT (2011 HKT) February 20, 2017, CNN.com
- Flynngate? Kremlingate? Russiagate? The gate’s out of the gate.
2017/02/15, The Washington Post
Cartoon Trump And Cartoon Putin Make First Joint Public Appearance
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, 2016/11/17 に公開