
『翻訳家 山岡朋子ファンクラブ初代会長の日記』 より移行

サハラ砂漠に雪 −−−

← 砂漠の国で洪水 その2; カタールの場合 / 2015-11-28 ← チリ: 洪水と山火事 / 2015-03-27 ← 雨による災害: 砂漠の国で洪水 ? / 2013-11-17

 出典: Rare Snow in the African Desert Image of the Day
    acquired December 19, 2016, NASA Earth Observatory

 snow fall in sahara desert
 Topaz Emerald, 2016/12/23 に公開

    • Weirdo Weather 7 Rare Weather Events
       ”On Feb. 18, 1979, low altitude areas of the Sahara desert recorded their first snowfall in living memory. Snow fell in spots in southern Algeria, where a half-hour snowstorm stopped traffic. Several Saharan mountain ranges, however, receive snow on a more regular basis. / In winter, temperatures drop low enough on the Tahat summit, the highest mountain peak in Algeria, to cause snow about every three years. The Tibesti Mountains, in northern Chad, receive snow on peaks over 8,202 feet (2,500 meters) once every seven years on average.

