
『翻訳家 山岡朋子ファンクラブ初代会長の日記』 より移行

モンゴルの寒雪害 「ゾド」 Zud or dzud、モンゴル語; зуд

 Zud or dzud (Mongolian: зуд)

Mongolian term for a severe winter in which large number of livestock die, primarily due to starvation due to being unable to graze, in other cases directly from the cold. There are various kinds of zuds, particularly a white zud, which is an extremely snowy winter in which livestock are unable to find nourishing foodstuff through the snow cover, hence starving.
 Mongolia - Countries ReliefWeb

 アイマク (モンゴル国)

 記事: モンゴルで雪害「ゾド」、家畜が大量死
    AFPBB News 3月31日(木)10時31分配信 via Yahoo!ニュース

