
『翻訳家 山岡朋子ファンクラブ初代会長の日記』 より移行

シリア難民の男の子の死; 続報2 〜 ローマ法王による呼びかけ・対応

← シリア難民の男の子の死; 続報 〜 逃げる移民を蹴った女性カメラマン / 2015-09-10 ← シリア難民の男の子の死; 速報 / 2015-09-04 ← ローマ法王 キューバ・US歴訪 2015年9月19日 〜 28日; キューバにて / 2015-09-22


    • Pope calls on Europe's Catholics to shelter refugees
       September 6, 2015, 8:22 AM, CBS/AP
       ”"Every Catholic parish, every religious community, every monastery, every sanctuary in Europe should accommodate one family, beginning with my diocese of Rome," Francis said in giving his Sunday Angelus prayer.


 Angelus Domini 2015.09.06
  vatican, 2015/09/06 にライブ配信


 Udienza Cor Unum 17-09-2015
 Centro Televisivo Vaticano, 2015/09/17 に公開

  • Francis decries the "ocean of pain" in Syria
     09/17/2015, Vatican Insider
     ”These were the pope’s words during this morning’s audience with participants of the symposium organised by the Pontifical Council "Cor Unum" on the humanitarian crisis in Syria and Iraq. This is the first time representatives of UN agencies are taking part in a meeting to try to coordinate aid to be delivered to the areas ravaged by conflict.
