アイスランド バウルダルブンカ火山 噴火 続報 その2
Bardarbunga volcano (Iceland) update(s) August 28 – Askja volcano also on a higher alert level (Yellow)
更新中、Last update: August 28, 2014 at 3:01 pm, Earthquake-Report.com
Bárðarbunga - updated information
更新中、Icelandic Meteorological office
- Iceland volcano may threaten flights for months
Posted 4:00 AM Updated August 27, The Portland Press Herald
- Iceland volcano may threaten flights for months
- More quakes jolt Iceland overnight, spread to second volcano
Reuters - 2014-08-27 T13:15:53Z via Yahoo News
- More quakes jolt Iceland overnight, spread to second volcano
出典: Earthquakes - Iceland / Department of Geophysics
※ 直近24時間の地震
- アイスランド火山で地震相次ぐ、噴火懸念高まる
2014年 08月 28日 00:34 JST, Reuters
- アイスランド火山で地震相次ぐ、噴火懸念高まる
- Glacial 'Cauldrons' Above Iceland's Bardarbunga Volcano Point To Possible Eruption
8/26/2014 @ 8:16PM, Forbes.com
- Sub-glacial eruption of Iceland’s volcano forms row of ‘cauldrons’
Published time: August 28, 2014 03:46, RT News
- Caldera
”A caldera is a cauldron-like volcanic feature usually formed by the collapse of land following a volcanic eruption.”
- Caldera