
『翻訳家 山岡朋子ファンクラブ初代会長の日記』 より移行


現在3分割されている コンゴコンゴ民主共和国、DR Congo (旧ザイール) でM5.4が発生、あまり報道されておらず被害の有無など不明ですが;

  • Strong dangerous earthquake near Bikule and Mukingiti (Lubutu area), Democratic Republic of the Congo
     Earthquake-Report.com, Last update: December 1, 2013 at 1:11 am (30分毎更新)

     "This is a very dangerous earthquake basically because of the combination Magnitude and shallow Depth. / The epicenter is located in the eastern volcanic area of the DR Congo. M5.4 for a shallow quake is damaging level in this area of the world. As the distance to major towns is rather big (also to Rwanda and Burundi), the earthquake may not have been felt so far (no mentions from this otherwise very communicative area). Smaller villages and settlements (Like Bikule and Mukingiti, only a few km from the epicenter are however at risk. / The epicenter is also Gorilla nature area (Maiko National Park) and has a number of dormant volcanoes in the area. More to the east are some active volcanoes. This is also a location where rebels are fighting the army, this already for many years and with very cruel atrocities going on (HRW reports). Even if some damage has been inflicted, we will probably never know it, as the area is highly unsafe with almost no press present. We will however scan reports from the area to get some more information, eventually from environmentalists and conservationists (gorillas). (文中リンクは引用者による。以下略、引用終わり)"



−−−おっと、肝心な点を忘れていました; アフリカプレート から、 大地溝帯 のうち East African Rift (東アフリカ平断層) で東側の ソマリアプレート が分離しつつある、と云うこと;

従って、地震も火山活動もこれら大きな リフト の周りで活発と云うことに。

