
『翻訳家 山岡朋子ファンクラブ初代会長の日記』 より移行

エジプト: 軍によるクーデター 続報 その71: 『ルスの照らす闇』 の再現

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外出禁止 9/21(土) から変更

土〜木:24 (=0) 時 〜 5時
金曜のみ 19時開始


General Sisi and his followers are condemning Egypt to greater turmoil
  The Guardian, Friday 11 October 2013

  −−− In what other country in the world today is an elected president held for three months with no access to his family or lawyers? In what other country are demonstrators routinely shot without warning, not with birdshot or rubber bullets but live ammunition? (中略) Equally grim is the virtual absence of public criticism or peaceful protest from other sectors of Egyptian society other than the Brotherhood's supporters. The Twittersphere is still free for dissent and there have not yet been reprisals or arrests for posting anti-army comments there or on Facebook. The regime sees this as a useful safety valve. More significant is its flooding of the official press, the TV stations and the talkshows with grotesque smears of the Brotherhood and all its works, as well as of the few prominent non-Brotherhood figures who have spoken out, such as Mohamed ElBaradei. Primitive though the propaganda is, it has convinced an astonishing number of otherwise sensible Egyptians. As a result, politics have become almost completely polarised. The emotional tone of what passes for debate has never been more shrill, and the chances of eventual reconciliation look daily more flimsy. (以下略、引用終わり)

   『ルス』 の照らす闇 −−− 1970〜80年代、軍政下の中南米で起こったことが今エジプトで再現しています。何故、またどの様にして あんなおぞましいこと が起こり得たのかがよく見える。唯一の違いは、弾圧の対象がアカであったか、同胞団であるのかだけでしょう。エジプト特有の問題などではない、馬鹿な歴史を繰り返しているだけ、と私には見えます。



【クーデター否定側; 閉鎖間近?】




    • Canadian pair describe ordeal in Egyptian prison
       theguardian.com, Friday 11 October 2013 11.00 BST
