
『翻訳家 山岡朋子ファンクラブ初代会長の日記』 より移行

寝室の下に開いた大穴に転落 −−−

   グアテマラ: 街中に空いた大穴

時々このテのニュースを見かけますが、人が呑みこまれ (落ち) て行方不明と云うのは珍しい。被害者は何と元フロリダ州知事でブッシュファミリーの ジェブ・ブッシュ さん!! −−− と思ったらジェフ・ブッシュ(Jeff Bush)さん;

寝室の下に巨大な陥没穴、寝ていた男性が行方不明 米フロリダ州
  2013年03月02日 13:08、AFPBB News

  Florida Sinkhole Rescue Crews Try To Reach Man Swallowed By Massive Chasm
  MrMagicalBBMan, 公開日: 2013/03/01

Seffner sinkhole 911 call: 'Bedroom floor just collapsed"
  Friday, March 1, 2013 7:44am, Tampa Bay Times

Florida Sinkhole: Rescue Crews Try To Reach Man Swallowed By Massive Chasm (VIDEO)
  AP, 03/01/13 07:30 PM ET EST @ TheHuffingtonPost.com

Man swallowed up by 30ft sinkhole in Florida
  Friday 01 March 2013, The Independent


 出典: Sinkholes / Southwest Florida Water Management District.us

FGS, Sinkholes in Florida
   Florida Geological Survey (Home Page

  Sinkholes are a common feature of Florida's landscape. They are only one of many kinds of karst landforms引用者注: 記事末尾の 「カルスト」 参照), which include caves, disappearing streams, springs, and underground drainage systems, all of which occur in Florida. Karst is a generic term which refers to the characteristic terrain produced by erosional processes associated with the chemical weathering and dissolution of limestone or dolomite, the two most common carbonate rocks in Florida. Dissolution of carbonate rocks begins when they are exposed to acidic water. Most rainwater is slightly acidic and usually becomes more acidic as it moves through decaying plant debris. (以下略、引用終わり)

   Florida Geological Survey - Data and Maps


  'Sinkhole' appears in Guatemala bedroom
  NewsInWorldNow, 公開日: 2013/01/29

  CanDoTina, 公開日: 2012/12/09

Sinkhole - Wikipedia
Dolina - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

参考: カルスト地形 - Wikipedia
