
『翻訳家 山岡朋子ファンクラブ初代会長の日記』 より移行

ロヒンギャ 人権問題 〜 続報 その2 国連総会での演説など

   ロヒンギャ 人権問題 〜 続報


Myanmar / H.E. Mr. Thein Sein, President, 27 September 2012

   Statement in English


  • While the Government is resolutely pursuing political, social and economic reforms, some unfortunate and unexpected issues have come up in our way. A case in point is the recent communal violence in Rakhine State. In this connection, I would like to mention in the first place that the people inhabiting in our country, regardless of race, religion and gender, have the rights to live in peace and security.

    As you are aware, a national level independent investigation commission has been established to investigate the issue. To ensure impartiality, the composition of the Commission is made up of representatives from all strata of the society, including the widely-respected personalities from the Buddhist, Muslim, Christian and Hindu faiths. Upon completion of its task, the Commission will be submitting its findings and recommendations to me.

    Demonstrating our determination to resolve the issue in a transparent manner, we have facilitated field visits to the Rakhine State by the representatives from the OIC, ASEAN, UN agencies, the United States and resident foreign diplomats in Myanmar. When it comes to the relief assistance, access is being facilitated to those organizations who are willing to provide it to both the communities without discrimination.

    The issue at hand cannot be solved overnight. It will be resolved by taking short-term and long-term measures through a multi-faceted approach taking into account political, economic and social aspects. I sincerely believe that as an independent and sovereign state, Myanmar has the right to secure our borders and also to safeguard and protect our sovereignty. We will do our utmost to solve this issue in line with international norms. (以下略、引用終わり)


  記事: Myanmar refugees remain at risk
     Last Modified: 02 Oct 2012 08:00, Al Jazeera English

  記事: Suu Kyi’s attitude to Rohingya Muslims nationalistic: Analyst
     Sun Sep 30, 2012 11:40PM GMT, PRESSTV

  Tun Dr Mahathir keynote address at Plight of Rohingya Conference
  perdana4peaceさんが 2012/09/18 に公開
    ここでも既に指摘されている様に、まず国内のロヒンギャを国民として認めることが必要不可欠。人権云々はそれからのハナシでしょ? インドにおける カースト 制度だって問題ではあるが、最下層であったって少なくともインド国民ですよね?

関連 バングラデシュでイスラム教徒が仏教徒の町を襲う、ネットにコーラン冒涜写真?
   AFP=時事 10月1日(月)9時39分配信

   −−−バングラデシュの総人口1億5300万人のうち、仏教徒が占める割合は1%にも満たない。その多くは仏教教が人口の大多数を占める隣国ミャンマーに近い南東部に居住している。 / バングラデシュ国民の90%近くはイスラム教徒で、過去にはイスラム教徒とヒンズー教徒の間で激しい衝突が起きたこともあったが、仏教徒イスラム教徒の攻撃対象となることはバングラデシュでは珍しい。 (記事終わり、引用終わり)



  読売新聞 9月28日(金)19時11分配信

  時事通信 9月30日(日)23時15分配信
