
『翻訳家 山岡朋子ファンクラブ初代会長の日記』 より移行

G20 (/G8) サミット: 逮捕者600人 −−− 何故?

実際には何が起きたのか? 最終的には900人程度が逮捕された様ですが、それは本当に 「一部の暴徒」 であったのか???

  • トロントのG20抗議デモ、逮捕者は600人超に
    6月28日13時9分配信 ロイター

     [トロント 27日 ロイター] 20カ国・地域(G20)首脳会議が開催されたカナダのトロントで27日、サミット開催に反対する抗議デモが前日に引き続き行われた。同日夕方までの逮捕者は605人に上り、最終的な逮捕者はさらに増加するとみられる。 (中略)

    • G20 Arrests Update (公式発表)
      (Toronto, ON, June 27, 2010), G20 Integrated Security Unit

      −−−As of 9 a.m., on Sunday, June 27, 2010, more than 480 people had been arrested on various charges including breach of peace, obstruct police, assault, assault peace officer, cause disturbance, incite riot, mischief, and participate in an unlawful assembly.  (中略)

      No serious injuries have been reported. However, the Integrated Security Unit is aware of six people and eight police officers who have been treated for minor injuries. (以下略)


  • Journalist Describes Being Beaten, Arrested by Canadian Police While Covering G20 Protest
    June 28, 2010, DEMOCRACY NOW !

    −−−JESSE ROSENFELD: −−−We were then hauled off to jail. I spent—I guess I was arrested at around 10:00, 11:30 in the evening, and I didn’t get out of jail 'til 5:00 or 6:00 the next afternoon. And that was basically on—we weren't charged. We were held on the—we were detained on the grounds of, quote-unquote, "breach of peace," which is not a criminal offense. And the conditions in jail—I mean, I’ve been working from the Middle East as a journalist for the past three years or so, since 2007, and the jails actually remind me a lot more of the ones I’ve seen that Israelis hold for Palestinians or the Palestinian Authority holds. We were in handcuffs, or at least I was in handcuffs ’til nearly 5:00 in the morning, while being processed in different cells and waiting to be processed and in cells of over—overcrowded cells with over twenty people, with a porta-potty, very limited access to water. Then, after I was processed, I was moved to a five-foot-by-eight-foot cell, where there were five other people with me. And there was benches, no washroom, only a concrete floor. And the room was absolutely freezing, not even enough space for us to lie down and sleep all at the same time. It was incredibly difficult to sleep because it was so cold. A lot of the people I was in jail with had been beaten, and beaten quite badly—black eyes, bloody noses, and been hit all over. And also, a lot of the people from—there were several people from the Alternative Media Center who had been taken in for just doing their job, which was reporting from the front lines. (以下略)

  • Is this what a police state looks like?
    By Murray Dobbin | June 30, 2010, rabble_ca

    −−− The mass arrest of 900 people was a message to those willing to take a stand: you could be next, and a criminal record is no laughing matter.  (中略)

    There is a clear connection here between the obscene amount of money spent on security, the completely unnecessary shut-down of Toronto, the nine foot fences, what the police did -- and what the "leaders" talked about. We could call them the austerity summits: an agreement to make working people and the poor pay for the crisis. In the next year -- unless Harper can actually be forced from office -- Canada will witness the second wave of huge cutbacks to the social democratic state.

今回の騒動に関する参考記事として、以前にも紹介しました ナオミ・クライン さんの、 DEMOCRACY NOW ! でのインタビューを紹介;

Naomi Klein: The Real Crime Scene Was Inside the G20 Summit
June 28, 2010, DEMOCRACY NOW !

−−−what actually happened at the summit is that the global elites just stuck the bill for their drunken binge with the world’s poor, with the people who are most vulnerable, because that is really who’s going to pay, when they balance their budgets on the backs of healthcare programs, pension programs, unemployment programs. And also, the other thing that they did at this G8 summit, that preceded the G20 summit, is admit that they were not meeting their commitments to doubling aid to Africa, once again, because of the debt that was created by saving the banks.  (中略)

And what you really see is that this is an attempt to get around the United Nations, where every country in the world has a vote, and to create this expanded G7 or G8, where they invite some developing countries, but not so many that they can overpower or outvote the Western—the traditional Western powers. So, as this happened, we have also seen a weakening and an undermining of the United Nations. And I think that that’s the context in which the G20 needs to be understood. And that’s why a lot of the activists in Toronto this week were arguing that the G20 is an illegitimate institution and the price tag is—that we, as Canadian taxpayers, have had to take on for hosting this summit, you know, $1.2 billion, is particularly unacceptable, given that we have the United Nations, where these countries can meet in a much more democratic, much more legitimate forum, as opposed to this ad hoc invitation-only club from the back of an envelope in Larry Summers’s office.  (以下略)

ナオミ・クラインさんインタビューの中で G20 - Wikipedia の生い立ちがもう少し詳しく述べられています。ちなみに現在の構成国は;

出典: ウィキペディア

結局G20は(も)、アメリカを中心とする米欧覇権に牛耳られる国連よりも更にカゲの薄いつながりと云うことになります。定義のはっきりしない、従って旧態依然たる、大量消費を前提とした 「成長」 と、覇権維持のための浪費は続けながら国民にツケを回すだけの 「財政再建」 と、お題目だけではあるが 「エコ」 の三立など成り立つ訳がないでしょう。借金で首が回らないがモノは欲しい、環境も考慮したい−−−有り得ませんって。 そんなわかり切ったことを再確認するために開催する首脳陣園遊会に大金をかけることに何の意義があるのか? 「先進国」 に本当に民主主義が存在するなら、現首脳陣の首は早晩皆すっ飛ぶ筈ですが。まあ、どちらへ転ぶにしても見ものです。